The HEIGHT of Audacity – IOTW Report

The HEIGHT of Audacity

Obama-Golf-BallsObama-Golf-BallsA military wedding was moved from its catering facility at the last minute because Obama wanted to play golf there and they shut the entire place down for him.

That’s not the worst part. Obama was invited to the wedding and declined saying he couldn’t come. But HE WAS THERE, it’s just that the two military captains getting married weren’t invited to HIS event!

What else can be said about this asshole that already hasn’t been said?



35 Comments on The HEIGHT of Audacity

  1. The fact that they invited him to their wedding doesn’t say much for them.
    I just hope that the millions of eunuchs who voted for him , twice, are happy with themselves.

    You are right. What else can be said?

  2. King Obongobobo’s payback for the >15% support from the American Soldiers…Words cannot find a way to describe and reject such a douchebaggasery from the Monkey- in-Chief!

  3. I think Obama should be commended for turning down the wedding invitation.

    Imagine him bringing Mooch to the reception. Why the devastation she would cause doing the hokie pokie is unimaginable, not to mention how much of the wedding dinner she’d consume. And don’t even contemplate Mooch near a wedding cake. Disaster averted I’d say.

  4. If I ever win the lottery, I’m going to start a band.
    Lots of Vuvuzelas, horns and drums made from metal objects
    We will follow the President around as he plays golf, and play as close to the golf course as we can get.
    I want to serenade that bastard on every golf course he visits for the rest of his life.

  5. @ Dr. Tar…..the hokie pokie….lol….imagine if the line said “put your left cheek in, pull your left cheek out….blah blah blah and shake it all about”….she would have cleared the dance floor….LOL…..ass cheek slam dancin’…LOL

  6. I wouldn’t want that commie crashing any Marine Corp wedding, it would be like making everyone drink from a punchbowl with a giant fece in it.

    Let him play golf with an enemy general instead. It’s what he really is anyway, a traitorous piece of shit.

  7. My guess about them inviting the President to their wedding is that they were told when booking the wedding that if the President wanted to play that day, they would have to move/make alternative arrangements…I then imagine the bride saying. “Let’s invite him to the wedding, there is no way he would make us move/relocate if he was invited…there’s no way he’ll come, but he’d look like a total dick if he made us move.”

    She’s been proven wrong on all counts…lie down with dogs and all that.

  8. “What else can be said about this asshole that already hasn’t been said?”

    “Barack Hussein Obama was read his miranda rights right before he was frogged march out of the Oval Office…”

  9. I’ve been seeing the Mainstream Media lapdog reporting of this, saying the two Marines getting married willingly volunteered to move their wedding location, while not reporting the reality that America’s Fascist Emperor demanded the two getting married had to take their nuptials elsewhere.

    Not only is he a fascist Moslem Communist, he’s an ASSHOLE too.

  10. I don’t think the couple had a choice. If they had tried to interfere with the Petulant in Chief completing his daily round of golf, they could have faced dishonorable discharge, a visit from the IRS or detained without cause. Obama – she who will not be denied.

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