NYPD Commissioner Bratton: In Hindsight We Shouldn’t Have Sat Down With Al Sharpton – IOTW Report

NYPD Commissioner Bratton: In Hindsight We Shouldn’t Have Sat Down With Al Sharpton

From Yid With Lid–

He has had Al Sharpton to the White House 85 times. Often when he’s talking abut police issues he has Al Sharpton sitting next to him. If we like to have poster boy for hating the police it’s Al Sharpton. You make Al Sharpton a close advisor you turn the police in America against you. You’re going to tell the police in America we don’t understand you. I saw this man help cause riots in New York. I’ve heard his anti-police invective first hand. -Rudy Giuliani

While the BLM was violating Title 43, Section 1733 of our federal codes to attack the hard working white man known as Cliven Bundy because he is accused of owing $1M in back cattle grazing fees, Al Sharpton who owes $4.7M in back taxes was having dinner with the President. – Rex Crouch (Yid With Lid Commenter)

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13 Comments on NYPD Commissioner Bratton: In Hindsight We Shouldn’t Have Sat Down With Al Sharpton

  1. I always said that Bratton should never have “sat down” with Sharpton, but he was most likely forced to do so by Che DeBlasio, “for the good of the City.” Bullshit like that. He relented I am sure he regretted it, the very moment he sat down. I shook hands with Bratton once. He has a man’s handshake. Now he’s in a bind and he knows it. The problem is that Sharpton met with Obama over 80 times and Obama just doesn’t give a shit. I’ll bet obama has a wet, weak handshake.
    Just sayin.’

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