The Left Incensed With Porn Production Company That Pokes Fun At Activist Spelling Error – IOTW Report

The Left Incensed With Porn Production Company That Pokes Fun At Activist Spelling Error

It’s pretty bad when a porn company pokes fun at your movement’s spelling error.

A clip for BangBros (no I didn’t find this on my own, Gawker is complaining) has a girl protesting with an “I Can’t Breath” sign. The Bros roll up and inform her of her missing “e.”

Naturally, she climbs into the van and proceeds to have things done to her where she finds it hard to breath… or walke again.


No, the picture doesn’t link to the video!!!

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Porn is a dilemma for the left. There was a time when it represented a break from straight-laced conformity, where the “squares” had sex with their wives, lights off, missionary style. Porn was a way to “smash convention.” It was very progressive.

Today, now that the left has become forcefully interwoven into the lesbophrenia tapestry, porn is something that much of the male left has to pretend to be offended by. They have to “smash the patriarchy,” “smash the misogyny,” and “smash the male privilege” (“when you point, it reminds me of a penis” – Portlandia) with all the enthusiasm of a straight dude on a picnic during the World Series.

Oh what a tangled web we weave…

Now, when I see porn, at least I can tell myself that, somewhere, a feminazi dies a little inside.

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