It’s This– – IOTW Report

It’s This–

The very first “Wal-Mart”8AIMt3N-934x-e1405445670652

12 Comments on It’s This–

  1. Wow.

    Remember when Wal-Mart proudly proclaimed throughout their stores that they sold American made goods? Yeah, that was a loooong time ago wasn’t it?

    They have these huge cargo boats that were specifically built to travel between the west coast and China(they can’t make it through the Canal) and they always go west empty.

  2. Can’t blame WalMart for the manufacturing moving to China. Opening plants in America is now a regulatory nightmare, and even if you do manage such, there’s no guarantee that the Obama administration won’t be standing in the door, preventing you from starting up operations, because you built the plant in South Carolina instead of Washington.

    It’s not WalMart’s fault.

  3. Thought I could read, “Wal Mart” on the window, & still missed it. Had fun playing tho. Where’s my free beer – I’m all out today…. And quit fiddlin’ with the dam requirements! I think “Thuesday” is a dodge to get out of payin’ up.


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