SNL Commercial Parody– Mixed Reviews – IOTW Report

SNL Commercial Parody– Mixed Reviews

29 Comments on SNL Commercial Parody– Mixed Reviews

  1. Ignoring how muzzies treat women…

    Here’s the Left – which enables (if not empowers) muzzies – “laughing at” muzzie terrorism?!?
    The cognitive dissonance is deafening.

  2. That’s the thing with parody — intentions can sometimes be unclear. Does this mean that SNL shares in Obama’s “JV” opinion of ISIS, or that they mock it?

    Cognitive dissonance, indeed.

  3. Can’t remember Bob Hope making light of the Nazis. In fact, he did all he could short of putting on a uniform himself.

    Hollywood. What pieces of shit.

  4. Using an Army ad to conflate our military and ISIS is beneath vile.
    Only a dope smoking parasite or traitorous cretin would view that as humor.
    It does not even rise to the level of satire, it is purely insult.

  5. I thought it was damn funny. I am still LOL.

    Better get out my dope then John.

    I think it is a good PSA.

    I think it points out how stupid America has become, to think that some families let their kids from this country and others, join a group that everyone knows is evil to the core, but does it anyway.

    This could have been a scene in American Carol.

  6. Since I don’t watch SNL, all I can go by is what I have seen through snippets such as this one. But, I have witnessed a smidgen of anti-Hussein in some of their parodies, including this one. Whether they mean to or not, one thing comes through in this bit: even if they had shown one of the men on the truck run over and cut Dad’s head off, daughter would’ve likely stayed on the truck.

    A sad testament of our tone deaf country…

  7. Yeah that’s real fucking funny, making light of the nightmare these young women have bought into-I’m laughing my ass off.

    Fucking REgressives are beyond evil.

    Hey why not a parody of the Nazi gas chambers? That’ll have me in stitches! Yeah yeah, I came in for a shower and ended up in a pile of bodies stacked near the door-I swear it’ll bring the house down-and so edgy too-man it’s great to be soooo hip.

  8. Oh geez — I stopped vacuuming the furniture long enough to look. Made me laugh. The idiot lib dad & daughter — dad says hi – terrorist says ‘death to America’ made me LOL. The skit is a slap in the face to all the coexist morons and TheWon who will not name the enemy.

    Dad, it’s just ISIS!

  9. I thought it was good satire, but I’m with COD.
    I got hung up with listening to the laughter of the NY studio audience, comprised of mostly progressives, analyzing it through the lens of these douchebags. These are the people that won’t say Muslim Terrorist but they laugh at whatever a prog comedian throws at them.

    If Jon Stewart makes an exit speech about how Obama is wrong and it’s MUSLIMS in the name of ISLAM that are the worst problem in the world, the barking seals will give him a standing O.

  10. What does “Turn the other cheek to them also” mean to you?

    This is it for me. I have no respect at all for the cause, or the existence of ISIS. Hit me and I will make a joke out of you first, because you do not matter to me one bit. I will cut you down, piss on your remains, and put your head on a stake at the edge of town to remind your kind, you are shit to me, all the while as I laugh at your insanity. That is what I see when I watched this.

    I also laugh at the trendy, “My kid is helping freedom fighters against a big bully”, types in this country. The daughter should have talked Dad into going along. Both are useless here.

  11. “Hey why not a parody of the Nazi gas chambers?”

    Well, the people being marched in were not coeds volunteering to go from America’s universities to Germany to support the National Socialists under pretense of doing humanitarian aid. That is good enough reason fro me.

    If their haughty smug attitude towards America and western culture is not enough to bring ridicule on them, I don’t know what is. Perhaps their naivety.

  12. It rings false because the Muzzies didn’t hand the daughter a Hijab and potato sack to put on the minute she joined them.

    Then the Dad should of had a horrified look of realization that he just handed his daughter over to a bunch of monsters who are going to abuse her.

    As the Dad drives away the camera pans down to the bumper where you see a stupid COEXIST and Obama/ Biden bumper sticker on the back.

    There I fixed it. Now it’s hilariously true.

  13. there is nothing at all funny about this. isis burned the pakistani pilot alive. he knew what they were going to do…how long does anyone think he lived before he went unconscious?

  14. Sounds like an opportunity to produce your own parody of the socialist tyrants and thieves encountering jihadis and acting stupid as they get killed off in various headline grabbing ways……I could see Nancy P and Hillary C getting burned alive while cheering their own demise, screaming “We deserve it!”, Joe B and Bill G agreeing to be their Goats, putting on dresses, and doing all that entails to stay alive, BO taking part in the gang rape of all new male ISIS members as is the current practice, and Valerie J getting stoned to death after getting contaminated by America while David A and George S try to deceive the jihadis through propaganda and bribes as they are beheaded. Follow it up with an exhortation to abandon American values and ideals, pointing out that all good Democrats owe it to the world to get killed by jihadis so they can continue to make the world a better place. Keep the dialogue pithy and you have a winner!

  15. I love IOTWr because of all the different opinions and no one getting nasty about it. My opinion–it wasn’t funny. It did nothing to mock iSIS, it was another shot at men (Dads in particular). Maybe I am too close since my Dad took me when I joined the Army and I found the original commercial to be more true to my Dad. I also can see why a lot of people thought it was funny. I did like Dr. Tar’s take on it better.

  16. “Holocaust! the Movie!”
    see the triumph of the Kapo Soros as he turns in his own family for a crust of bread!

    “Holodomor! the Musical!”
    with the smash hit “Stalin’s takin yer wheat, so whatcha gonna eat?”

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