Many blogs are pushing this new conservative personality – IOTW Report

Many blogs are pushing this new conservative personality

Tomi Lahren –

Be forewarned, I’ve seen the entire clip. She opens with –

“Some 22 year-olds idolize people like Kim Kardashian or Jay Z, but myself, I’m more of a Mitt Romney or Marco Rubio kind of girl.”

Great. A skinny Meghan McCain.


17 Comments on Many blogs are pushing this new conservative personality

  1. A two minute clip was unconvincing, especially when she uttered support for romney and rubio.

    Young, white, female, inexperienced and naïve does not equate to conservative principles (she didn’t mention one) or any other political thought or ideology. A complete lack of thought or ideology. Welcome to the old GOP.

    CPAC….another lost opportunity eaten up by a speaker with no substantive message. If she could learn to lie, she could be on boehner or mcconnel’s staff or maybe take harf’s place at dept. of state.

  2. I don’t think it’s fair to compare her to Airhead McCain.
    Let’s face it. The Right could use some young attractive, articiulate people.

    It’s like hitting the donkey in the head with a 2×4.
    Before you can get it to do anything, first, you have to get its attention.

  3. Norman,
    understood, but, when we wonder who the hell it is out there that is allowing Romney’s and Bush’s to win primaries, there it is.
    Why name drop Romney when you’re at ConservativePAC?
    Isn’t there another PAC for the Romney’s of the world?

    The mic should be cut off and the lights dimmed right after she says “I’m a Romney kind of girl.”

    And the point of me running this is that every other blog has that part left out, and I think it is important when anointing the new guard.
    That’s how we end up with these bubbleheads on the Tee Vee speaking on behalf of conservatives.
    She doesn’t.
    She’s not.
    Romney is not a conservative.
    Rubio is a confused, guilt-ridden Cuban that flip-flps on amnesty to the point of absurdity.

  4. We don’t need more “Conservative Personalities”. We need more James O’Keefes who are doing, instead of socializing. I can’t tell you who O’Keefe likes, and I don’t care. But I can damn sure tell you who he doesn’t like, and I don’t like them either.

  5. I don’t see her as “good looking”. Is it just me? I’d call her average looking. I must admit that I am not a blonde fan. Now that brunette Tanteros (sp), now she is hot! And smart!

    Not a bad speaker for being a 20 something, but CJ Pearson blew her away and he is only 12. CJ seems smarter too.

  6. Oh, and let me add, I registered to vote on my 18th birthday in the very early 80’s, and I refused to label myself as a “republican”, so I checked the “Unaffiliated” box. I vote for republicans most of the time, but I am NOT a republican, I am a CONSERVATIVE!

    There is a HUGE difference!

    It is called C-Pac, not R-Pac….right?

  7. I just watched the whole thing, and OMG! If millennials like this, they have a 6th grade understanding of life. I was more like CJ than this chick. If this is what it takes to get younguns in our camp, we lost a long time ago. This is from an old guy that had a 7 day a week, 365 day a year job no matter the weather or sickness since age 11 1/2 and kept that job for 3 1/2 years! Yes, I was a paperboy. It was probably the best thing that ever happened to me.


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