Maybe it was his name? – IOTW Report

Maybe it was his name?

Mother angered by school’s ponytail drugs claim

A mother has branded her son’s primary school “ridiculous” after it linked his hairstyle to drug-taking.
The 11 year-old is named Joe Head.

10 Comments on Maybe it was his name?

  1. Go fucking fuck yourself, you bunch of misguided fucking imbeciles!
    It’s just fucking HAIR!
    Teach them to do math, compose a grammatical sentence and even think critically, and THEN maybe we can get to fucking hair.
    Shit…I think I just morphed into Moe Tom!

  2. My kids high school ALLOWS kids “altered” by drug and drink to attend school daily because they have the right to attend school just like everyone else! Then these same school forces kids to take breathalyzer tests IF they want to attend homecoming or prom(you are assumed guilty and must prove you’re innocence to set foot on school property at those times?!?!). Sadly, we are a “pilot” district which actually means the use of tracking computers and community wide psychological testing-CC on steroids. Alice is in the rabbit hole and the year is 1984. I would love to have an administration actually worried about drug use, crazy as it sounds, but this hair thing for an 11year old ridiculous- Mom’s right!

  3. The logic chain is as clear as day:
    Drug taking leads to Weird haircuts, which leads to weird clothing, which leads to hanging out with weird people, which leads to more drug taking, which leads to the munchies, which leads to gnawing a Pot Tart into the shape of a gun, which leads to idiots at the school freaking out and calling the SWAT team and having the kind of freak out reserved for fertilizer factory explosions and train derailments.
    He’s lucky they didn’t rappel out of helicopters and take down his hair tie.

  4. But I thought we were legalizing / mainstreaming drugs, so wtf?!

    It’s not like the kids haven’t seen their empty-chair Preznit stoned stupid on the teevee.

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