This is Maddening – America will be undone by the influx of this mentality if left unchecked – IOTW Report

This is Maddening – America will be undone by the influx of this mentality if left unchecked

There was a time when people would talk about the genius of the founding fathers, and this document they crafted called The Constitution of the United States of America, and I would wonder what the big deal was, particularly the 1st amendment.

Freedom of speech? Well, duh. What a bunch of geniuses. Doesn’t everyone agree with that?

Turns out they understood more about the world, and its screwed up people, than some snot-nosed, complacent kid from New York. They understood that this not only needed to be the foundational centerpiece of all that would follow in their document, but that it would have to be defended militarily, and the militia could very well be non-military citizens if the ruling government stopped defending the constitution. Thus 2A.

Lately I’ve been getting a lot of e-mails from Muslims that are giving me a civics lesson. Why would those e-mails trigger a need to write the paragraphs above?

Read the following exchange and you tell me-


I have seen one of your post about the Prophet (PBUH), i must say you have shown no respect to our religion, I would like to apologize on behalf of our Muslim community for the sin or mistake which make you draw our Prophet in this form.
I am sure if you are a good heart you will remove the post from every where you have access to do so, as i already have asked for apology.
Best Regards,
(I’ve redacted the Muslim name)

I think you should worship your religion in quiet reflection and not concern yourself with what anyone else says or does as long as no one is forcing you to do anything against your will.


Thank dear for your concern and Reply, 

I wish that would be the case 🙂 but We are humans, I can imagine if some one does the same to your family members( father, mother, brother, sister , wife , childs ) what would be your reaction.

If one cannot bear some thing about family. Prophet (PBUH) is a very beloved personality to us, I know its your freedom of speech, but if i say something about your beloved ones I am sure that will not be my freedom 🙂

I am not writing to change the thinking, just saying, please don’t ignite the hate. because you will ignite it and they will burn everything. I am just concerned about the loss, who will be innocent humans… 🙁 hope you can understand.
Kind Regards

What you’re saying is that you fear if someone draws a cartoon that Muslims will burn everything down?

Do you think this is a proportional response, one that should be accepted by society?
May Be they are Muslim, or may be they are pretending to be the Muslim, but I know just one thing, There is some one who is waiting for any even which can ignite the fight, to start it…..

We never make fun of any religion, as we respect all of them, and expect all other to respect our religion.
I will request again not to be the reason of any mishap!

Well, this is how I see it.

You’re a Muslim that will not tolerate any questioning of your faith, which includes someone “making fun” of your religion. All religions are mocked in American society and Islam will not get an exemption, particularly when Islam threatens violence because people do not share reverence for YOUR prophet.
Muhammad is not my prophet. He means nothing to me.
I’ve never thought about him before until I was ordered to never blaspheme him. 
As an American I can mock whatever I want to mock. There is no death penalty for that under the law. Sharia law means nothing in America.
It seems that when someone “steps out of line” you threaten them passively by reminding them that there are “crazy people out there” that might do you harm if you continue doing what you do.
Why are you not fighting these crazy people? Why are you not standing tall with people who draw a picture?
There are two types of Muslims.
1- “Radicals” that will kill you for drawing a picture.
2- “Moderates” that want a radical to kill you for drawing a picture.
Thanks for your concern, but if you think your God wants people dead for drawing a picture you have mental problems.

🙂 I am not surprised by your answer as its typical mentality of you guys 🙂 no God want no one dead. Even no God wants one insulted , it’s you the people who want to insult and kill 🙂 we are the followers of peaceful prophet (PBUH) so we are not threatening any one.

MUSLIMS are only of one type loving, caring and respecting every creatures on earth 🙂 rest all are your brothers who think they are free to do anything and others have to respond broadly and calmly 🙂

May your God make you understand 🙂


You’re the one who contacted me saying you were concerned about what the ramifications of a drawing might be.

>>just saying, please don’t ignite the hate. because you will ignite it and they will burn everything.>>>
Who will burn everything, the people who are “loving, caring and respecting every creatures on earth?”
You follow that with –
“rest all are your brothers who think they are free to do anything and others have to respond broadly and calmly.”
That is a threat. That is a threat coming directly from someone who says they are “”loving, caring and respecting every creatures on earth.”
Forgive me for laughing, but it’s warranted, because you have the mind of an adolescent.
“we are the most loving, caring, and respecting every creatures on earth… as long as you don’t piss me off when you don’t revere my prophet in every way that I demand.”
Stop pretending you’re fooling me, it is embarrassing for you, and only makes me laugh harder at your faith, which will only make you madder and madder, and makes you waste energy as you work harder to mask your evil.
You’re not at all tolerant.
You must learn to grow up and not go apeshit if someone looks at your prophet funny. Leave me out of your cult. And if you should see a drawing of Muhammad, before you smolder, picture yourself loving, caring and respective of every creature on earth and try and become that.
You know, you can become that person WITHOUT Muhammad.
Why am I worried for this country? You tell me.



36 Comments on This is Maddening – America will be undone by the influx of this mentality if left unchecked

  1. The Muslim mafia at work here.

    “It be a shame if something, how you say, should happen to you and your entire family if you draw picture. I’m loving peaceful guy, just trying to save you from my, err, THE goon over there when I say, take down the peecture.”

  2. BFH- You might as well be pissing into the wind and not mind getting wet! Their minds are made up and they refuse to be confused with the facts.

    Evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived (because) the god of this age has blinded their minds. – 2 Timothy 3 and 2 Corinthians 4

  3. It isn’t just the muslims. Write an essay suggesting that maybe American citizens should not be taxed in order to send welfare to Tel Aviv. Or maybe question the Holocaust. Mention the murder of the sailors killed in the terrorist attack on the USS LIberty. Say that leaders of foreign nations should not be giving speeches to the employees of the American people. You will be hit with a firestorm of hate speech and attempts to curtail your freedom of speech. In Europe, those actions would land you in jail.

    Most so called “conservatives” are just as politically correct as the progressives. They just have different sacred cows.

  4. Fur, If he ever writes back, BE SURE to remind him of his, “We never make fun of any religion, as we respect all of them…” claptrap.

    Ask him in just what language “respect” is defined by the beheading, burning and otherwise destruction of others and their places of worship.

    Then tell him to go sit on a scimitar and rotate.

  5. A radical Muslim wants to cut your head off, a moderate Muslim wants him to do it.
    I do believe that to be accurate. Sooner or later the shits going to hit the fan.

  6. @Chris – yes, every day I’m troubled to see the hordes of rampaging conservatives shooting people in the streets, and setting the strung-up corpses on fire. /sarc off

    With a few exceptions, most conservatives just ignore things they don’t like. We have to, we’re surrounded by them daily.

  7. “Peace” to a mohammadman is the same as it was for a soviet man. Peace is what you have only after the whole world is subjugated into his totalitarian regime.

    That “peaceful” founder of theirs specified that subjugated people have the choice of converting, being taxed into penury, or death. Yeah, that’s peaceful all right.

  8. “Prophet (PBUH) is a very beloved personality to us”

    And Porky the Pig (PBUH) is very dear to us, yet you call him “unclean” and go into fits of rage when you see him.

    You have to talk to these moslem assholes as if you are talking to a six-year old retarded kid who fucks goats.

  9. Actually, the filthy moslems blaspheme Allah by elevating Muhammad, Allah’s prophet, above Allah.

    One can only ‘blaspheme’ a deity, not a man.

    Mohammad was clearly a man – a holy man, by some accounts, but a man, nonetheless. To claim that drawing a picture of Mohammad is blasphemy, is thus, to claim Mohammad’s deity – which, in turn, blasphemes Allah.

    The Jews are forbidden from drawing or carving any likeness of God, but they can draw Moses and/or Abraham all they like.

  10. Matthew 7: 15-16
    You Will Know Them by Their Fruits

    “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.”

    The fruits of the false prophet, mohammad (BSUH), are deceit, subjugation, destruction and eternal death. islam is an evil, rancid, deadly fruit.
    The tree must not be pruned, it must be cut down.

  11. This ‘nice’ young man must think its okay to marry 6 year olds. And for a 53 year old ‘prophet’ to have sex with a 9 year old wife. And he agrees with his ‘prophet’ who said it was okay to have sex with dead women. Or with animals as long as they’re FEMALE. Yep, that’s the kind of sick F**K the pedophile/child rapist’ the ‘prophet’ was. This is what they worship, this is what they condone. Burning other muslims alive including women and children, and blowing them to bits in public spaces. There is NO ‘moderate’ Islam—–there is only an entirely perverse and maniacal cult of equally sick freaks who follow and endorse it. And they will ALL burn in hell. PBUH (Pus be upon him)

  12. Let me tell you a story bout a man named Jeb, he lived in a good hood with wife and a bed.
    Then in moved the muslims with their goats and their boys
    The men were afraid of pussy so they used the boys like toys
    Where are the women? Jeb asked to his wife
    Jeb’s wife said the women were cut up with a knife
    How could this be? Some arab women are cute dont you see?
    Yes, but they prefer goats to a nice piece of pussy!

  13. The liar. Muslims don’t “respect all religions.” The Quran says Jews and Christians are the worst thing God ever created. The whole book is a diatribe against Jews and Christians, and spends a considerable amount of space contradicting Christian theology (Ex: Jesus saying, “I never claimed to be the son of God. Those crazy idolators put that label on me!”) The Quran is full of slurs (“euphemisms”) for Jews and Christians.

    You can’t make sense with a brain that has been trained from childhood to accept continuous cognitive dissonance and contradiction. He will always be correct in his own mind, and no amount of proof, evidence, or examples will turn him in the direction of truth. Like a liberal.

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