GPS leads driver off demolished bridge – IOTW Report

GPS leads driver off demolished bridge

Emirates 24/7

A driver was forced to watch his wife being burned alive Saturday inside their wrecked SUV after he drove off the ramp to a demolished bridge by apparently following GPS navigation, authorities say.

The Times of Northwest Indiana reports 51-year-old Zohra Hussain of Chicago died of burns after the car caught fire following the 37-foot plunge Saturday morning onto property owned by BP in East Chicago, Ind. Her 64-year-old husband, Iftikhar Hussain, survived.

Lake County Sheriff’s Department spokeswoman Patricia Van Til said the road is marked with numerous barricades, including orange barrels and cones, large wood signs stating ROAD CLOSED with orange striped markings and concrete barricades across the road. The bridge over the Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal has been closed since 2009. read more

24 Comments on GPS leads driver off demolished bridge

  1. At some point, you have to conclude that some people are just too fucking stupid to live. Why the fuck would anybody mindlessly follow a GPS map literally off a cliff when it should be fairly obvious from just looking around that you’re on a closed highway?

  2. Years ago, I worked on a road crew. When a bridge was out, one of our tasks was to try to make it virtually impossible for the motoring public to drive down the road into the void. Big signs, flashing lights, wooden barricades, and if the closure was for a long period of time, permanent barricades. One would have to actually work hard at getting to the bridgeless crossing, and would usually have to get out of the car to physically move some of the obstacles placed there for their safety.

    But work they did. And once they got to us, they were pissed that the bridge was out and let us know their displeasure.

    I suppose GPS may actually be a license to go from here to there in strict compliance with the mechanical directions given, and damn the consequences or common sense.

  3. When you put my home address into some GPS models, it will direct the car to a ramshackle, vacant building on Central Park Avenue in Yonkers that once housed a Mexican restaurant–cheerfully announcing that “You have arrived at your destination!”

    If a GPS device told me to cross the street to get to the other side, I would question it.

  4. As a licensedcivil engineer in the transportation field there is only one certainty and that is regardless of what you do to idiot proof the public right of way…. Simultaneous to your effort there is a force working twice as hard to build a better idiot.

  5. My first GPS unit misguided me plenty of times. Near the Winnebago Indian reservation in Nebraska in 2003 it showed us driving on the railroad tracks some distance from the highway. Parts of NE Arkansas didn’t even show the road, just contour lines.

    When they started out, most of the GPS maps were electronically traced from USGS topo maps and there were lots of mapping errors.
    The newer maps are more accurate and based on actual recorded coordinates from vehicle-based receivers and crosschecked with the topo maps. But there are still two major errors in Garmin’s map within five miles of my house that put the road in the wrong place.

    GPS navigation is great. But you have to be stupid to trust those things over your own judgement.

  6. That Guy, they can land planes with it now, but if there is any radio wave interference — like sun spots, clouds, etc. – the PDOP (Positional Dilution of Precision) goes way up and you can be hundreds of feet off or not get a signal at all.
    They would probably have to put wires in the road. Then potholes will be the enemy. lol

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