I Feel Safe, Do You? – IOTW Report

I Feel Safe, Do You?


13 Comments on I Feel Safe, Do You?

  1. I wondered the same thing bitterclinger.

    I think it’s painting a frivolous picture of Obama by portraying him as a clown-even that creepy clown from It.

    As Dianny said the other day, he’s a madman. Someone compared him to the co-pilot flying that plane into a mountain side and I thought that was a great analogy.

    He’s an evil, lying POS who utterly does not care for ordinary, hard working Americans. He is out to do everything he can to change the landscape of this country. He’s a cold hearted SOB who revels in our suffering and anguish. The damage he’s done will never be fixed in my lifetime and in fact I liken him to the downward death spiral the Perons sent Argentina on a 100 years ago.

    Believe me, every new day there’s going to be10 behind the scenes’ nightmare of changes that we’ll never see for every one that makes it to the news. He is evil incarnate.

  2. I cannot fathom why the the newly minted republican congress hasn’t initiated a massive probe as to just exactly what ValJar does and why it warrants a SS detail?

    We all know what she does and they all know what she does, but starting a probe would be the right thing to do and should have been done years ago.

    This woman could easily be under strong foreign influence and has far too much influence upon the executive branch.

  3. I cannot fathom why the the newly minted republican congress hasn’t initiated a massive probe as to just exactly what ValJar does and why it warrants a SS detail?

    Oh, they’re above all that; they refuse to “sink to that level.”
    *spit* Tell me again why it was so crucial to elect a R-majority in both houses again??

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