Reader Rant by Bo Tsar – It’s The DAMN LIES! – IOTW Report

Reader Rant by Bo Tsar – It’s The DAMN LIES!

It’s not the gay aspect, it’s the lies. I know I’m going overboard on this but I am sick of the lies. The Indiana RFRA is intended to prevent government from discriminating against religious Americans, not to allow religious Americans to discriminate against gays. In 1997 the democrat sponsored Federal RFRA (Signed into law by bill Clinton in 1993) was declared inapplicable against state and local laws, so the states started doing their own.

Federal RFRA 1993: Government may substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion only if it demonstrates that application of the burden to the person
(1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and
(2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.
Indiana RFRA
A governmental entity may substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion only if the governmental entity demonstrates that application of the burden to the person: (1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.
The agitators are purposely avoiding what is in the bill, attacking Mike Pence instead. Notice too how they don’t seem to understand that gay rights have actually expanded since their Fearless Leaders started the whole RFRA thing back in 1993. The Indiana RFRA does not give anybody the right to discriminate against anyone. There are Federal laws against the type of discrimination the agitators are howling about; the Indiana RFRA does not try to trump those laws in any way, shape, or form.

The Indiana RFRA does not address citizens interactions with other citizens. Someone won’t sell you flowers, sue them, you still have that right, and you might even be able to Eric Holder to accuse them of a hate crime. The law is about government dealing with people that have a religious conviction This law covers how government interacts with the people, not how the people interact with each other.

So why was Indiana hit so hard by the Marxist propaganda machine and not Michigan, Kentucky, Georgia (Christian baker lost case against the KKK in GA), or Arkansas ? Never was about gay rights. Looking at the way they are treating Mike Pence I would say they think they have a better chance of winning the governship in Indiana than the other states.

11 Comments on Reader Rant by Bo Tsar – It’s The DAMN LIES!

  1. excellent post. I live in Indiana. Yeah, I know bigots are out there, but I also see gay activists looking for a fight lately. They aren’t after tolerance, they want acceptance, or better yet, submission. I fear that a lot of folks are fast running out of “other cheeks” to turn and the backlash may not end well. As our governor said the other day, tolerance is a two way street, and the social and political left have no awareness of how close to the cliff they are.

  2. People are and SHOULD be free to be BIGOTS & FOOLS. That is what the Republicans should hammer on. If you want to start “Juan’s Hispanics-only car repairs,” “Pete’s racist dry cleaners,” or Jessica’s Lesbian’s only Fitness Club,” you are free to DO that. People are free — to do stupid and dumb things, things that others may not like. It’s called PRIVATE enterprise, INDIVIDUAL enterprise, or FREE Enterprise.
    What the heck is going on, when the Government can stop people from using their own private property, savings and labor to do dumb, misguided or offensive stuff???
    People in America are free!
    They are ALSO FREE to enjoy FREE SPEECH rights as consumers and critics– and will boycott & criticize any business they believe is offensive, bigoted or stupid, making fun of them and posting YouTube videos of their ludicrous display of bad private decisions. They are also free to open a competing store, and COMPETE with businesses they believe are not providing good services, to honest citizens.
    We are not talking about the fire station or the national park, which is not free to be bigoted or discriminate. We are ALL forced to pay taxes, and so ALL of us have access to apply for work at public programs and governmental services. But folks, there is something called THE PRIVATE SECTOR, call it the crazy sector, the intolerant sector, the “experimental” sector, of the FREE ENTERPRISE SECTOR. Whatever you call it, —

    it is at liberty to be free. FREEDOM!!!!!!!!

  3. At this point, I don’t give a shit if nobody comes to our state. That means less traffic, less litter and more space for me and my family. And if all our gay couples decided to leave since they couldn’t stand it one more second, great!

    The liberals are always telling us to ‘buy local’… I intend to do just that, to offset the economic shortfall from this totally misinformed frenzy.

    Mike Pence — hold your ground and do not cave to these motherfuckers!

  4. It’s not about tolerance, it’s about control.
    The Left (Gay Mafia being one head of the Hydra) is about control.
    The goal is to remove the ability to judge from the individual and give it to the state.
    Good, bad, you are not allowed an opinion. The state will tell you what is Good, and what is bad. You will be allowed trivial choices (fashion, entertainment) but determining Right and Wrong is the sole domain of the State

    But remember, the end game of Control is the infliction of suffering.
    This has been borne out by history. Those in control must inflict suffering on those they control to reinforce their feelings of power and adequacy.

    Gay Rights, Animal Rights (in the give the Chimps lawyers vein) Illegal Alien Rights, Plant Rights, Inequality Global Warming:
    All Smoke and Mirrors to gain control.

  5. Pam is absolutely right. We used to live in a free country where anyone could refuse service to anyone else for whatever damned reason they wanted. To force me to provide a service to you when I don’t want to is slavery. If I don’t want to sell you something because I don’t like, say, the team logo on your cap, I shouldn’t be forced to do it. The free market will take its natural course and the government should mind their own damned business.

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