Lebanese Criticize Hezbollah For Deaths of Child Soldiers in Syria – IOTW Report

Lebanese Criticize Hezbollah For Deaths of Child Soldiers in Syria

TheTower: Lebanese officials condemned Hezbollah’s use of child soldiers in Syrian civil war after the Lebanon-based terrorist organization announced the death of a 15-year-old boy “during his observing the obligation of jihad.”

Hezbollah child soldiers

Announcements of this kind published by the Iran-sponsored militia usually relate to the organization’s fighters killed while fighting in Syria, and therefore it is believed (Arabic link) that the boy was killed while fighting to support embattled Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad beyond Lebanese borders.

The child’s funeral was held in Beirut with the participation of Hezbollah officials. According to other reports (Arabic link), this teen was not the only child soldier in Hezbollah’s ranks to have been killed fighting in Syria: Dozens of Hezbollah members recently killed in Syria are under the age of 18.  More

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