Michelle Obama Says One of Her Daughter’s Nicknames is “Salty Biscuit” – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama Says One of Her Daughter’s Nicknames is “Salty Biscuit”

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31 Comments on Michelle Obama Says One of Her Daughter’s Nicknames is “Salty Biscuit”

  1. And one of her husband’s nicknames is “That Treasonous, Drug-Addled, Sodomite, Homosexual, Moslem, Marxist, Cocksucker!”

    What a coincidence!

    Her other daughter’s known as “Rancid Crack!”

    And her brother’s known as “Obola’s Snack!”

  2. DO NOT look that up in the Urban Dictionary.

    I warned ya.

    Poor kid – could you even imagine having them for parents and then having your Mom say that on national tv?

  3. I wonder what kind of mental abuse this will leave on the kid. My father use to call my overweight sister Herc. She never got over the stigma he attached to her. Calling her daughter a derogatory name is damaging to the child. I thought The Mooch and Obummer said their children are not fair game – well the Mooche has done the dirty deed.

  4. So illustrative of the character of the prez and his spouse. They should be investigated by Child Protective Services for hanging that horrible name on their daughter. Disgusting.

  5. I had to watch the video to see if this was real.

    That Wookie is BEYOND ghetto.
    Before too long, those kids are going to provide some high-priced shrinks a life of luxury for years.

  6. Mooch insulted her brood because she’s jealous of them. All the money in the world can’t fix her ugly mug and the Salt Monster is over the hill.

  7. This First Family is gender-disordered, has pornographic or disgusting nicknames for themselves, and a unwelcome familiarity with the lexicon of illegal drug use.

    Would you want your children to become familiar with this educated, Christian, all-American family ?!

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