Racist White Cops Indicted in Baltimore – IOTW Report

Racist White Cops Indicted in Baltimore

indictedHere are the crackers.


20 Comments on Racist White Cops Indicted in Baltimore

  1. …and the simplistic, useful idiots protesting around the country will still carry their “Black Lives Matter” signs as if it is all about race….these are the types of people that can easily be confused by arithmetic or lint.

  2. Well….to really piss off the blacks. Let the white cops off with a warning
    ( cause they are white) Send the blacks to prison.

    [ I typed in ‘JOE’ and my iphone changed it to
    Now ]

  3. Race got nuthin to do with nuthin. It’s all about the redistribution of wealth and the death of the economy. This will be another excuse to shovel money into the bottomless pits called “America’s cities” and to shore up the rat-people’s votes and calls for martial law.

    This’ll look like LBJ on steroids.

    Another couple of $Trillions siphoned off by Soros and Obola’s buddies in the DNC ought to be enough to send the country over the edge.

  4. Too many people want to blame ‘racism’ for the conduct of LEO
    when in truth race is rarely an issue that matters. COLOR however DOES matter. And the important fact about color is that LEO don’t give a shit whether you are black, white, red, yellow, brown or even green…..if “you ain’t blue” than you are nothing….just something to beat on. If you are not of the privileged and protected fraternity of the badge than you are fair game, your race, creed or skin tone is irrelevant.

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