Carl – The Rip Taylor Look-Alike Street Tough – IOTW Report

Carl – The Rip Taylor Look-Alike Street Tough

Carl’s a pisser. He punched a bear to save his chihuahua.

11 Comments on Carl – The Rip Taylor Look-Alike Street Tough

  1. The California Department of Fish and Game and Stuff® is charging Carl under Section 407.539 of the California Penal Code, “Punching, Slapping or Demeaning a Non-Human Cuddly Species”. If convicted, Carl could be euthanized and his Chihuahuas placed in species reeducation camps.

    Friday at 2pm, PETA, Friends of the Earth, Earth First!, Queer For Animals and the SPLC will be holding a demonstration in front of Carl’s home.

    All joking aside, the guy is a former Recon Marine!!! Hellz Yeah! Semper Fi(ght)!

  2. It’s easy to sit here and say, but I would definitely do that for Boobie and for the same reason: she’s all I have left of family.
    More likely to run into a gator than a bear here, though.
    I have taken a (gloved) fist to a shark, though. He wanted the big-ass red snapper on my spear, but I wanted it more. Forty-some years ago.

    Hey, I’d like to know Carl, too.

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