NY Times’ Stunningly Stupid Prediction – IOTW Report

NY Times’ Stunningly Stupid Prediction

Screen Shot 2015-05-02 at 1.08.42 PM


ht/ just the tip

11 Comments on NY Times’ Stunningly Stupid Prediction

  1. Looks like the time is right for some climatological hyperbole. Blame everything in the world on climate change/global warming: food prices, Baltimore riots, Bruce Jenner, etc, etc, etc.

    Make it so that the mere mention of “climate change” makes even the most ardent liberal roll their eyes so far back that they see their brain where their brain should be.

  2. The law of big numbers says that somewhere in the world right now, it is the hottest, coldest, wettest, or driest is has ever been. This is because we live on an active, ever-changing planet. The ‘tards are so smart that that simple truth went over their heads.

  3. Global warming is alive and well here in California. Our near complete lack of snow is all the evidence needed as proof. You should hear how people talk. Goes to show, all perception is local, with only a vague notion of what we are told about “elsewhere.”

    Similar is the big lie about the world being “overpopulated.” I fell for this as did most of my generation and beyond, and so many people I know are not getting married and not having kids. The lie is perpetuated by the Big City. Because the Big City is clearly overpopulated, and most people live in or near the Big City. Yet huge swaths of land (much of it Fed-owned) is not populated at all. Just keep people in a state of fear and you can control their actions.

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