Insane Asylum – IOTW Report

Insane Asylum

There was a time when an infectious disease would stop your ass at the border and you wouldn’t be admitted into this country.

Now, if you’re a border jumper, and you’re a queer, the magic words are, “I have HIV.’

That’s the password INTO the country.

And for the more sophisticated illegal, they can say that someone subjected them to gay conversion therapy. That’s instant asylum as well. See after the jump


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5 Comments on Insane Asylum

  1. I would have bet a million dollars; no one with Ebola would be allowed in the country, that would really be insane.
    He really wants to destroy this country. I sure hope he is made to pay.

  2. Back in the day, people coming through Ellis Island with lice. Plain lice. Were not allowed in until they were all clear or they were even sent back to where they came from. Now? Open wounds, worms crawling out of their asses, illiterate, backward people get front row seating.

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