Jury Acquits Man In ‘Stand-Your-Ground’ Shooting – IOTW Report

Jury Acquits Man In ‘Stand-Your-Ground’ Shooting

Squatters have no rights…


RENO, Nev. (AP) — Accused of murder for confronting two unarmed trespassers with a deadly barrage of gunfire, Wayne Burgarello walked out of a Nevada courthouse a free man after the jury found him not guilty of all charges in the latest of a series of cases nationally testing the boundaries of stand-your-ground self-defense laws.

Burgarello, 74, a retired Sparks school teacher, insisted he was acting in self-defense when he shot and killed Cody Devine and seriously wounded Janai Wilson in a vacant, rundown duplex he owns in February 2014.

A jury deliberated for six hours before finding him not guilty on a charge of attempted murder as well as four alternative charges of first- and second-degree murder, voluntary manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter. He would have faced up to life in prison without parole if convicted of first-degree murder.

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5 Comments on Jury Acquits Man In ‘Stand-Your-Ground’ Shooting

  1. Charge him with everything hoping the jury will convict on SOMETHING?

    That’s pretty sleazy, isn’t it?

    Whatever happened to that “double jeopardy” bullshit?

    He stood charges on 7 separate crimes!

  2. I read about this before the outcome of the trial, and the leftists commenting after the article all wanted to lock up the property owner. They called him a gun nut and a host of other names. The left can’t stand people with guns who protect themselves and their property. None of them had any sympathy for the old man who was having his property broken into and vandalized by fucked up meth heads. The left is evil.

  3. “Prosecutorial Discretion?”
    One of the great oxymorons of the 21st century.
    More better – An ambitious lawyer looking for notches on his gun to use to future his/her ambition for higher political office. (See “Mosby, Baltimore” or “Spitzer, New York.”)

    Wanna seriously change the world? – “The first thing we do,” said Shakespeare’s Henry VI character named DICK is, and I specifically quote the play is – “let’s kill all the lawyers.”

    Now I think of Louis Armstrong (again, quoting)

    And I think to myself
    What a wonderful world

    Yes, I think to myself
    What a wonderful world

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