And how are we this morning, Mr. Brooks? – IOTW Report

And how are we this morning, Mr. Brooks?

From PacoEnterprises:

The hallucinatory David Brooks stands on the edge of the country’s biggest latrine and claims that the air is fresh and invigorating: “Obama has run an amazingly scandal-free administration.”

david brooks
It won’t be long before burly men in white coats commence feeding Brooks apple sauce with a long spoon.

21 Comments on And how are we this morning, Mr. Brooks?

  1. Obama is Anthony Freemont–the little kid from the Twilight Zone episode who all the adults leaped praise on especially when he did wrong. AF was allowed to do anything he wanted because they were afraid of angering him and being sent to the corn fields. In the case of America, Obama has been allowed to run amok because people are afraid of being called racist, hater or whatever term the left wants to throw at you.

    This is exactly what I think of every time a dumbass like Brooks spout the nonsense he does.

    One thing is for sure, these last six years under Obama aint got nothing on the Twilight Zone.

  2. He would eat a urinal cake that Li’l O squatted on to pee, and say it made his day. I just received my ‘you may qualify for lower’ health premiums from BCBS. Open it up and how does it work? Subsidies. No lower priced plans. Hey 10 people vying to be the GOP nominee! What are you going to work on to get rid of the Anal Craniotomy of America?

  3. On the surface that’s true, not because this administration doesn’t commit them, that no scandal has arisen in his mind… it’s because he and his fellow MSM hacks spend more effort in burying them than they do in digging them up.

  4. Do not forget that in 2009, Gay Barry was given an award for transparency in his administration but the press was forbidden from attending.

    These scum KNOW they lie they just believe that everyone is a LoFo and will nod their heads like good little bundists at every lie told about Obama.

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