Injured horse flown home aboard massive military transport plane – IOTW Report

Injured horse flown home aboard massive military transport plane

Air Force for one: Massive military transport plane that usually carries 100 troops picks up US Secretary of State John Kerry to bring him home after he breaks his leg cycling.

kerry bike

24 Comments on Injured horse flown home aboard massive military transport plane

  1. Why?


    WHY? Shoulda just put a bullet in his head laying there on the curb.

    Save money AND rid the world of one worthless, lying piece of shit! A two-fer!

  2. SO there wasn’t a US military hospital somewhere between here and there? The waste of that huge airplane – I guess they had to bring it back to the USA because Mooch needs it for her dogs on her next vacation?

  3. Does he truly believe his biking skills require aerodynamic racing gear? Then again if I was a gigolo with a rich wife’s wealth, created by her former conservative husband, to burn I’d feel obligated as a extreme leftist to spend it as frivolously as possible too.

  4. When I was in the Army they used to have a thingy called the IG, Inspector General. A team of inspectors roamed the globe inspecting commands for accountability, proficiency, waste, and so forth. It used to give Commanders the heeby jeebies (?) or whatever. We grunts would be up all night buffing, cleaning toilets, rifles, bayonets etc.

    Our C.O. in a small Camp in Northern Italy (a great guy) was “gigged” for having “excessive toilet paper rolls in the stalls.”
    I shit you not. After he received the the report, he assembled the troops and gave us one of the most hilarious “dressing downs” I ever heard. We were in stitches laughing. He was an Army Ranger.
    But my point is this:

    Who in the hell authorized the use of a huge military transport plane to fly this horses ass to America. Where is the IG?
    That’s what I call waste.

  5. The whole thing is probably just a ploy to let horse and his boss stop having to explain their treason with helping the Iranians get nukes. Not that anyone ever believed their bullshit.

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