FBI behind mysterious surveillance aircraft over US cities – IOTW Report

FBI behind mysterious surveillance aircraft over US cities


WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is operating a small air force with scores of low-flying planes across the country carrying video and, at times, cellphone surveillance technology — all hidden behind fictitious companies that are fronts for the government, The Associated Press has learned.

The planes’ surveillance equipment is generally used without a judge’s approval, and the FBI said the flights are used for specific, ongoing investigations. In a recent 30-day period, the agency flew above more than 30 cities in 11 states across the country, an AP review found.

Aerial surveillance represents a changing frontier for law enforcement, providing what the government maintains is an important tool in criminal, terrorism or intelligence probes. But the program raises questions about whether there should be updated policies protecting civil liberties as new technologies pose intrusive opportunities for government spying.


8 Comments on FBI behind mysterious surveillance aircraft over US cities

  1. Why?
    Why is the FBI conducting such surveillance of the country?
    just what is happening that warrants such conduct and expense?
    should the public be informed about the reasons for this conduct?
    why is the southern border wide open when we have our FBI flying surveillance planes over the country spying on everyone who’s here?

    the dc political disconnect is incredible.

  2. The bottom line of this is that if you see a Cessna loitering in an area making counterclockwise turns, you’re probably being watched. So you may as well call your buddy and start talking about how some cock chuggers in a Skylane are grabbing each other’s stick in the cockpit.

  3. Oh, the government wouldn’t act beyond the law. Poor Senator Rand. The NSA is peanuts, compared to the continual spying the Fed, state and local governments’ unlawful spying, seizures, and searches.

    America has been sold by congress and the administration and the people they sold it to are invading. Ann Coulter’s estimate that 1/3 of the Mexcan population IS HERE, ILLEGALLY says it all.

  4. The old adage, “Why should I care, I’m not doing anything wrong?”.

    With the ever increasing plethora of local, state, agency and federal rules, regulations and laws, one can “not” assume they are “not” doing something against the laws of an over-reaching government.

    If the government wants to make a case, it will be made, regardless of the constitution, individual rights, rules, regulations, laws or common decency.

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