Oregon launches program to tax drivers by the mile – IOTW Report

Oregon launches program to tax drivers by the mile


Oregon is using an experimental program to become the first state to tax drivers based on the miles they travel on state roads rather than the gas they purchase.

ore go

The voluntary program, called OReGo, is designed to capture taxes from hybrid and electric car drivers who have been able to skirt gas taxes.

Oregon’s Department of Transportation is hoping to get 5,000 people to volunteer to install a small device under their steering wheels that will track their mileage and charge drivers’ credit cards one and a half pennies for each mile driven, Fox News reported Friday.

Transportation officials say the growing numbers of electric and hybrid cars has left the gas tax flat and unable to fund road maintenance.


28 Comments on Oregon launches program to tax drivers by the mile

  1. I’ve been free-loading on the highways for 20 years driving electric cars or hybrid cars, getting at least 40 miles to the gallon. So I haven’t been paying my fair share,” said Oregon resident David Hastings, Fox reported.

    David is a freaking imbecile. For twenty years not one damned thing has prevented him from writing a check to the govt for his “fair share”.

  2. This is GREAT NEWS!
    (better than voting for Hillary: looking at YOU, tsunami)

    LET these idiot Leftist states make life as unbearable and unprofitable as possible…it will – albeit slowly – wake their moronic citizens up.

    As long as they STAY there and don’t move to Red States…(admittedly a conundrum).

  3. The people of this country should tax the CFM volume of air that comes out of the mouths of our politicians during the course of every day for the entire time their lips are moving.

    This goes for double and triple taxation for Progressive states, the EPA and gun control fanatics.

  4. “The people of this country should tax the CFM volume of air”

    Nice. That guy that’s been assigned to constantly monitor your computer is going, “Hey, why didn’t we think of that.”

    Damn it. Nice going Tsunami.

  5. When these become mandatory (and you KNOW they will), how many entrepreneurs do you think will create a device that will attach to your car and will deceive the gov’t device into logging only, say, 20-25% of your miles?

    But that’s not what this is about. People will just drive less and that will give the gov’t the reason it needs to just start doing away with the roads. This is all about getting you out of your car so the ‘tard gov’t won’t have to spend money on roads. They’ll be able to spend it on pet socialist projects like clean needles for junkies.

  6. Wow! Where do I volunteer for this stupidity?

    Actually, this is a great test to weed out the dumb ones. If you volunteer for this, we’ll know who you are.

  7. I love it. The leftists initially pushed for hybrid cars to “save the planet.” Many people bought said hybrids to save the planet all the while being smug assholes towards those who drove “gas-guzzlers.” Now, these said smug assholes are turning on each other because hybrid users aren’t paying their “fair share” in gasoline taxes.

    I lived in Oregon for 3 years. I-5, from Moscow on the Willamette, (Portand) to Ashland, (‘lil San Fran) is an absolute liberal cesspool. Those enlightened liberal assholes can embrace the suck.

  8. About as many lefties will volunteer for this as there were millionaires that pushed for higher taxes on the rich that paid in extra money on their tax forms.

    It’s ALWAYS about forcing someone else to pay.

  9. So now people who ride bicycles will be scolded because they aren’t paying “their fair share.” This will happen. The left will eat their own, and even though I despise the hardcore bike-ist, I would side with them against the hybrid douchebag. I can’t wait for this to happen. So much fun! Getting the popcorn ready…

  10. B – that was suppose to be a TU
    Yeah, I live in Oregon and hear about this coming, not going to do it, I will move first.
    Not getting enough road taxes because of crap matchbox subsidized cars, then taxed those cars idiots. Portland – spits

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