100 Million Americans Not Working! – IOTW Report

100 Million Americans Not Working!

TH– Is America hard at work? Or hardly working?


I ask this because Thursday’s Labor Department report for June found yet another 430,000 Americans of working age (16 and older) dropped out of the workforce.

Over the last year, only 1.3 million Americans of working age have entered the workforce, even as the population of this same demographic increased by more than 2.8 million. Just over 1 million members of this group found jobs. That’s right — of the new additions to the working age population, less than four in 10 found jobs.

The newspapers touted the reduction in the unemployment rate to 5.3 percent as a cause for celebration. Yet for every three Americans added to the working age population (16 and older), only around one new job (1.07) has been created under Obama. At this pace, America will soon officially have a zero unemployment rate. But that will only be because no one will be looking for work.  MORE

5 Comments on 100 Million Americans Not Working!

  1. It’s more like 200,000 people with 3 or 4 part time jobs. lol.
    Because of 0bamacare, there are people working 4 hour shifts, 3 or 4 days per week at retail stores. And they have to clock out for a 30 minute lunch, too. PROGRESS!!!

  2. Greece, anyone?

    My neighbor works 2 days a week – most of the people do, to keep their benefits going. About 1/3 of all properties are up for sale between here and 20 miles into Arkansas. Plenty of money for cigarettes and liquor, though.

  3. Does that figure also include all elected parasites, staffs and appointees? There must be at least 20 million of those critters running around. Oh wait, I guess they do some light type of work if recklessly and incompetently spending the money they coerce out of you counts!

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