Republicans go after Obamalunch – IOTW Report

Republicans go after Obamalunch


MoeLane– Although the Hill’s title – “GOP has knives out for school lunch rules” – is accurate enough.  The GOP does have the knives out: “First lady Michelle Obama’s signature school lunch regulations are coming under fresh fire from GOP lawmakers, who view impending reauthorization legislation as their best chance yet to dial back the controversial nutrition standards.” …and, do you know why? Because those rules are sadistic, pointless, and not feeding our kids properly. Reps. Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin and Dave Brat of Virginia – and yes, even Sen. Pat Roberts of Nebraska – should be commended for pushing back on the Democrats’ frankly bizarre and ill-planned attempts to use our kids’ schools to push dubious nutrition ‘science’ policies.  MORE

10 Comments on Republicans go after Obamalunch

  1. Oh, our Brave Republican Leaders!!! Benghazi? Nuttin. IRS LoisLerner? Zilch. ObamaCare? Yawn. Porous Borders? Zzzz. Debt Ceiling Budget Out of Control? Bupkis. School Lunch? OK Guys, lets get moving!!

    Note to Republican Party. Let’s work big to small shall we?

  2. EXACTLY.!
    As you and upsguy below say,
    for budget cuts?
    for IRS?

    FUCK the GOP.
    They give pussies a bad name.

  3. There were some days in my youth, when out on my own, that that plate of food looked mighty good.

    Nah… just funnin’ wit ya. Dat tray be like Obongo… it be lower dan whale shit.

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