The Problem with Puerto Rico – IOTW Report

The Problem with Puerto Rico

AmericanThinker– What an interesting time to spring a thing like this on us — with the problems of Greece and the concern it’s causing the rest of the world — now Puerto Rico?

puerto rico dem governor png

Democratic Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla has calmly announced that Puerto Rico’s staggering debt of $72 billion (USD) is simply “not payable.”

While the island’s economy is in recession, the unemployment rate is hovering around the 12% mark, water has been rationed, and financial institutions have rightly refused to lend any more cash to its profligate government, Puerto Rico is increasingly looking more and more like Greece. It would seem that the United States is now being tested much in the same way the European Union is being tested across the Atlantic. And with a predominantly Republican Congress offset by a Democratic president, this spells trouble on the road ahead.


15 Comments on The Problem with Puerto Rico

  1. Guv should use the word of the day 7/8/2015: Glitch.
    No, we weren’t hacked. Uh, it was a glitch in the system.

    Right Jeh… in Meh

    Debt? No, no, no! It’s a glitch in the way the economy works.

  2. I say combine it with the Demos handywork of unfunded public sector pensions, all those assholes are living off of stealing from the private sector
    The power to tax is the power to destroy

  3. That should be Hillary’s motto on a bumpersticker: Hillary’s logo pointing at Libya, a paper shredder, and a nice 2016 in the background. Oh yeah, documents sticking out of the logo.

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