Heroin Use in US Reaches Epidemic Numbers – IOTW Report

Heroin Use in US Reaches Epidemic Numbers

Yahoo– Heroin overdose deaths in the United States nearly quadrupled between 2002 and 2013, fueled by lower costs as well as increased abuse of prescription opiate painkillers,U.S. health officials said on Tuesday.


The report found that heroin use increased by 63 percent from 2002 to 2013. In 2013, roughly 517,000 people reported that they had used heroin in the last year, a 150 percent increase from 2007.  As many as 8,200 people died from heroin overdoses in 2013 alone.

Such medicines, which include Vicodin, OxyContin and Percocet, increase individuals’ susceptibility to heroin addiction, Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told Reuters.

“Everything we see points to more accessible, less-expensive heroin all over the country,” Frieden said of the joint report by the CDC and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration which analyzed national survey data on drug use from 2002 to 2013. more

17 Comments on Heroin Use in US Reaches Epidemic Numbers

  1. . . . and this is what I don’t understand. They’re providing the police (and everybody else including Walgreens) with Narcan which helps reverse the effects of overdose and keeps the idiots alive. Why bother? Apparently, word on the street is to take as much heroin as you want and you don’t have to worry because the popo will come and keep you alive.
    It boggles the mind (as does just about everything these days).
    Of course I say this as I sit here and imbibe on a large tumbler of The Famous Grouse Scotch. But I’ll fall asleep before I can drink too much.

  2. The good news is, most republicans don’t do drugs…..liberals do drugs.
    So who cares…..it’s a free country…..do what you want….but stay away from me
    I’m heavily armed.

  3. No wonder the dems are adamant about importing illiterate, uneducated low information voters. And, the fact that they don’t speak or read English – genius!

  4. Gee, where is all that Heroin coming from? Better have a word with Canada because it certainly can’t be coming across our secured southern border right? Here’s a hint to the poor puzzled folks over at the CDC and FDA, try calling Barry before he hauls ass to Cape Cod.

  5. If you are stupid enough to get hooked
    on the crap, and then off yourself on a OD
    you are Darwin Award material to start
    with. Fools killing themselves with a
    poison they freely chose to take create
    their own solution to the issue. I just
    resent the damage they do to those
    around them before they croak.

  6. Let’s cut to the chase here. The stuff’s cheap to make; it’s only the fact that it’s illegal that makes it expensive.
    Have the Feds produce and pass out free dope – as much as you want. Government trucks come around and pick up the casualties every morning and dump ’em in a landfill. Same process that will happen anyway, sooner or later, but without all the time wasted and incarceration expenses incurred. Plus, now good people aren’t getting robbed and killed to pay for the drugs anymore. Side benefit: Organized crime loses most of their income and becomes much less powerful.

    Now –

    Why this ain’t gonna happen:

    1. Do-gooders and bleeding-heart Liberals will oppose it on moral grounds

    and (the main reason):

    2. Politicians and Law Enforcement are making WAY too much money from the drug trade to ever make any serious attempts to eliminate it.

    And thata, as they say, is thata.


  7. Here’s part of the problem. We’ve had several people in the Cincinnati area shoot up while driving on I-75 with their kids in the car with them. Either they crash, or just pass out and slowly come to a stop. I don’t want them near me.

  8. The one fact they will never report is the demographic distribution. It has been my first-hand experience that the Puerto Ricans/Newyor Ricans are the ‘masterminds’ of the local market with Mexicans being the chief consumers. So, it’s not really anything I worried about generally. In 35 years of prehospital care I only saw 2 or 3 Caucasion junkies. As the number of ‘hispanics’ increased it became a regular issue and then mostly when the supply chain was disrupted and a new dealer moved in with a stronger cut none of the junkies were accustomed to shooting. So what I am saying – demographic change = heroin abuse. That’s change we can believe in!!!!

  9. I really don’t see all the fuss about using a drug or combination of drugs when carrying out a state sanctioned execution of a criminal. Just shoot the sucker up full of heroin (it’s dirt cheap compared to “official” death cocktails), watch him nod off and say goombye.

    If it’s good enough for 8,000 addicts to off themselves, it’s good enough for a convicted felon.

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