Naked man steals police car – IOTW Report

Naked man steals police car

NYP– ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — An eastern New Mexico man has been arrested on suspicion of stealing a sheriff’s deputy’s car while running around naked.

naked man NM

Curry County deputies responded to a report of a naked man along the road on July 4 and found 37-year-old Jesus Tarango behaving erratically and telling the deputy he’d been poisoned.

Deputies say they got Tarango to sit down, but he began to walk around in traffic.  more


10 Comments on Naked man steals police car

  1. What kind of dumb ass cop finds himself on the locked passenger side of his patrol car with the naked perp on the drivers side with the door open and the keys in the ignition? The perp should plead innocent on grounds that the cop was insane.

  2. Reminds me of the guy, true story, who got stopped on the NJ Turnpike North drunk as a Lord. The trooper was questioning him when there was a crash on the Southbound lane. The trooper told the guy to sit tight and he would be back but he had to check the accident out. The trooper had the guys car keys so what the fuck, the guy was drunk so he took off in the trooper’s
    squad car and drove home to Rockland County. Parked the car in his garage and went to bed.
    Early next morning, very early, the State Police showed up at his house with his car and asked the poor wife if they could speak with him. She said he was sound asleep or something. Use your imagination on how this went down. The Troopers took back their
    squad car and that was the end of the story. No charges.
    Imagine if that happened today?
    Brad do you believe that?

  3. Yea so July 3rd I walk into my morning Starbucks stop and in front of me is a guy wearing dress pants and shirt, no jacket (it was freaken 105) and he’s sporting a cell phone on his left hip and a M&P Shield without the extended mag on the other,ostwb. No Badge. Me “wow that’s a cute little gun you got there”. Him “what you don’t like firearms”. Me “I don’t like toy firearms, by the way, where are your spare mags our do you load that thing single shot from the top? So what are you a D.A. or something?” Him “Hell no, I’m a Sac county detective,” Me, “You should have your damn badge pinned on your belt dude, otherwise your just another civilian carry illegally to the next El Dorado County Sheriff that spots you.” End of conversation. meanwhile I’m carrying my Sig with two extra mags. And honestly I know I’m a smart ass and any other day I probably would have not said anything except for all the imminent ISIS threat warnings. I know a lot of no shit experienced LEO. We really need to get them in some sort of managerial position.

  4. Tommy my friend I’ve heard several versions of this story and I believe it to be true. Who wants to be the idiot that got his cruiser stolen. I mean really, would that happen if it were their own personal car? I think not.

  5. There you Irish Bastid! Honestly I get more involved in reading than liking. But honestly there’s not much you don’t post that I don’t like. Good night bro.

    By the way I got arthritis up the wazoo this summer. WTF?

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