“Middle school girls are hot” – IOTW Report

“Middle school girls are hot”

DailyMailUK: Friend of Jared Fogle claims Subway spokesman told her MULTIPLE times that he was interested in underage girls.


  • A Florida woman who is friends with Jared Fogle claims he spoke about his attraction to underage girls on multiple occasions
  • The woman says that Fogle said more than once that ‘middle school girls are hot’
  • This is why the woman reached out to the FBI and agreed to wear a wire so they could investigate Fogle  
  • Federal authorities confirmed this woman’s story 
  • Fogle and the man at the center of the investigation, Russell Taylor, were pictured together in a photo posted on April 22 on Taylor’s Facebook page
  • On April 29, Taylor’s home was raided on suspicion of child pornography and authorities found over 400 videos of underage boys and girls  


19 Comments on “Middle school girls are hot”

  1. Middle schoolgirls are hot only if you’re a middle school boy. Otherwise they’re what we used to call jailbait. And even then a lot of middle school boys (Junior high for us dinosaurs like myself) couldn’t have cared less about girls yet for the most part.

  2. Pedophilia is more than acceptable in the muslim world.
    The left’s and islam’s New spokesperson for perversion.
    Watch out if this goes before the Supreme Court.

  3. This all sounds terrible, but I can’t help but wonder, who did Jared piss off? Nothing is as cut and dried as our lying, quisling, MSM presents it. I don’t watch them and I don’t believe them.
    This one is a wait and see.

  4. that’s why there are laws against certain things. Things that many people want to do that society doesn’t want them to do.

    Reminds me of a bob and tom skit. The comedian was hypothsizing about how all these laws got made.

    “They’re screwing our daughters! We gotta make a law!”

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