“Your silence is deafening.” – IOTW Report

“Your silence is deafening.”

WesternJournalism– In response to a series of disturbing videos apparently depicting Planned Parenthood officials discussing the harvest and sale of organs from aborted babies, pro-life activist Alveda King penned a scathing open letter directed at black legislators.

alveda king

She addressed the Congressional Black Caucus, expressing her dismay “over the deafening silence coming from you” as it pertains to the controversial videos. MORE

17 Comments on “Your silence is deafening.”

  1. Well I’m probably going to hell for this and I doubt there’s many that agree with me but here goes. In a perfect world abortion for rape or incest, yea I can get behind that.
    Here’s the imperfect part, I’m watching all these riots by these feral people, watching the knock out game, watching white people getting beat up and killed by black feral mobs and then I read in 2013 that there were more black babies aborted then born in 2013 in New York City and my reaction is less of them we need to protect ourselves from. OK hate away.

  2. I disagree with her. I don’t think their silence is deafening, I think it is very telling. Bad Brad, your only thought crime is writing what other people are thinking. When the crap hits the fan, the libtards will experience such a culling they hopefully will never recover from because they are the only ones defenseless the stronger and more depraved among them will feed on until they meet someone prepared for them.

  3. I think every black person in America needs to be forced to watch Bill Whittle’s video on the Democrats…the feral stuff you see today is entirely created by the Progressives. I compare every statistic on black families from the days of MLK and weep at what the en-masse embracing of Liberal policies have done.

    They have literally become de-humanized, and they don’t even realize that it was the eugenicists plan all along…go read Brave New World again…tell me they aren’t using it as a template!

  4. As long as I’m pissing people off I want to get this off my chest. I read a lot of bad mouthing Rand Paul and believe me I don’t fit the Libertarian mold, but the SOB has accomplished more than anybody else running. He single handily stopped the NSA. Not saying he’s the guy, just sayen give credit where credit is due. Come on, the guy ain’t Berry.

  5. BB, that was Margaret Sangers stance from the beginning. Look how far we’ve come.
    Adults I feel very differently about, kill them if you have to, they know right from wrong. Funny how few people are out there though volunteering to adopt these babies and make a stance against black abortions meanwhile they have Indian surrogates producing their offspring just to their liking.

  6. If we hadn’t murdered 55 million babies since Roe v Wade, if we hadn’t codified the godless act of doing so and made it routine, like wiping your ass, how different would this country be today?

    How do you suppose Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security, even if you hate the programs as I do, would be functioning if those children had been allowed to live and pay into the system?

    There are more black babies crushed than born alive in NYC. Would the American Chamber of Commerce even need open borders if these kids were allowed to live? Are we sure that a soul with the cure for Cancer wasn’t scraped out of its womb at Planned Parenthood somewhere over the last 40+ years?

    These are just questions; I have my own idea about the answers.

    But killing 55 million AMERICAN babies and replacing them with 30-40 million ignorant un-American 3rd world refuge doesn’t make a helluva lotta sense to me.

    But little does any more.

  7. The original black on black crime.
    The ones aborted may have been future Conservatives. Future Ben Carsons. Future Stephen A Smiths. Future Charles Paynes, future playwrights, future pro 2A, 1A, 10A, future whistleblowers, future composers of non-rap music, future soldiers, generals, scientists, the person who finally figures out how to make scissors and rotary cutters that don’t go dull after cutting a few yards of *#%*ing fabric!!!
    Or future anything but the shit that’s running loose in DC, Ferguson, Chicago, or Oakland.
    But we will never know because their parts are being sold bullk wholesale online.

  8. Gina one of mine or yours is not worth all of them. I know, I’m a dick. But I didn’t start this. Black lives matter. I get the Sanger connection but if this were a wrestling match I’d say we are about ready to get pointed out. Google it. I don’t like losing and I didn’t set the rules.

  9. I feel, actually I believe, that the moral poverty that surrounds us stems directly form our utter lack of care for our most vulnerable.

    Right from the jump, if we can’t dig down deep and figure out a way to care for and protect and provide for OUR OWN CHILDREN/FUTURE OF OUR OWN DAMN SPECIES, how is life at any later stage bound to have any meaning?

    You look at the bleakness that the Democrats (and, by hapless inaction to stop it, Republicans) have wrapped the black communities in, from fatherless families to purposeless mothers to the stunning and utter total ignorance being fostered daily in our Socialist schools…

    The question becomes, when life is so colorless and devoid of achievement or meaning, WHY NOT just shoot each other?

    When life becomes so very cheap, those living it don’t have any good gauge of what they so easily squander.

  10. BB, I completely understand where you are coming from, I hate the people committing crimes just as much as you do. I don’t give into the whole “but the children” nonsense either.. What I do think is that a baby born into this world deserves a chance and no one at all has done anything about it.
    Annihilation isn’t the answer. That is the left wing solution unless your talking about crazy Muslims.

  11. Sorry to be so controversial tonight, I’ll go to bed tonight worrying about a couple black heros I know getting caught in the cross fire. We are being torn apart intentionally. Fuck this shit.

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