Heller (R- NV): John McCain Defeated a Move to Arm Our Solders at Recruiting Centers and Bases – IOTW Report

Heller (R- NV): John McCain Defeated a Move to Arm Our Solders at Recruiting Centers and Bases

Publius’ Forum– In June, Nevada’s Republican Sen. Dean Heller tried to get the Pentagon to change its practice of banning arms from our soldiers on bases and in recruiting centers here in America.


Unfortunately for our soldiers, John McCain was the principle foe of the move and helped to defeat the arming of our soldiers, a decision that recently had deadly consequences in Tennessee. More

16 Comments on Heller (R- NV): John McCain Defeated a Move to Arm Our Solders at Recruiting Centers and Bases

  1. I think his actions in public office the last umpteen years more than counterbalance the heroism he showed in the Hanoi Hilton. How many years of ass-holery before a person forfeits the adjective “hero”?

  2. The original article confuses two separate issues. Heller wanted soldiers to be able to carry privately owned weapons while on base (implies carry while in an off duty status). The issue being addressed since Chattanooga is soldiers carrying issued weapons while on duty. The article is disingenuous.

  3. I haven’t followed McCain’s career, per se, but if you google “McCain, traitor” there are many links.

    Did we desert Americans in Viet Nam? Yep. Lots of ’em. Those MIA flags are not for nothing.

    Read “Kiss The Boys Goodbye” or just read the reviews on Amazon.

    Truth is not a long suit of the American MSM and hasn’t been for a very long time. ….Lady in Red

  4. But wouldn’t it be better if they were armed some of the time instead of none of the time?

    Were there any off-duties present at the time of the shooting that may have otherwise been armed if not for McInsane?

  5. Don’t get me wrong. I am completely for soldiers being armed. Carrying a weapon is part of the job description for the majority of the land based occupational specialties. What I tried to express is we should base our arguments on facts and not falsify information. I think the author weakened his argument to grab a headline.

  6. Further proof the years of brainwashing in the Hilton took root.
    Why else would an “elderly statesman”, with a rich hot wife, keep showing up to piss conservatives off with his record?
    It’s almost like he and Kerry went to the same asshole classes.
    No wonder the Marines call them sea fags.

  7. Committee Chairmen are extremely powerful. They determine what comes up for a vote, and when. Anyone who wants to get Legislation done (in order to steal more) has to play along (and share what they steal).

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