Cruz and Levin Talk about Breaking the #WashingtonCartel – IOTW Report

Cruz and Levin Talk about Breaking the #WashingtonCartel

And why he called Mitch McConnell a liar.

8 Comments on Cruz and Levin Talk about Breaking the #WashingtonCartel

  1. Have you ever heard the question? “I thought we won the election?”

    Corrupt career politicians of both party’s control the house and the senate for their own power, influence and money.

    Boehner and McConnell are no better than pelosi and harry reid………in many cases far worse, they lied to the voters to get elected, they lied to the GOP house and senate colleagues on procedure, legislation and amendments, they have lied to this nation.

    But boehner and mcconnel have been true to their corrupt career politician cartel.

    There is no difference between the democratic leadership of the past and the present GOP leadership.

    The American voters didn’t win the election, we lost again.

  2. Trump (who I love for his HUGE balls) probably won’t be able to overcome the media. They fucking HATE him because he exposes these little assholes for the children in suits that they are.
    Cruz is the ony other man who is not in n the circle jerk known as congres.
    If I could, I would vote for Farm Truck and the Dung Beetle.

  3. Ditto Jane ! My feelings exactly. Hey and isn’t this the vote that has kept Cruz at arm’s length…. I mean everyone says,” BUT Cruz flip flops. ” Nope. It’s clear he voted pro Trade Agreement (TPA) because he was flat out lied to by our most fantastic majority leader McConnell. Export/Import Bank involvement was lied about. The 2nd time, Cruz voted no on the TPA, because he learned he had been lied to… though he had trouble grasping that the man lied to his face. Listen to the audio. Levin 7/24 is in archives on his site if the above doesn’t play for you.

    He is the man for me. Cruzin’ all the way.

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