AWD– In the feud between Donald Trump and John McCain, Trump kicked some AZ RINO ass. Trump’s numbers have risen in the polls while a recent poll shows more veterans dislike the Democrat relic from Arizona than do.
You can always tell the real ideology of a politician by watching their defenders. On social media, the only posts I saw supporting “war hero” McCain were from liberals. NOT ONE CONSERVATIVE SUPPORTED MCCAIN. But liberals were falling all over themselves moaning about how McCain is a war hero and deserves respect. And yes, we’re sorry McCain was captured like so many others in the Viet Nam war. But he long ago used up those points by his traitorous actions as a politician. Even worse, he fathered that monstrosity of stupidity Meghan “Pork Chop Barbie” McCain. MORE
Because he’s a turn coat. There are democrats out there who support the military more than McCainnedy. Every time that dip shit opens his mouth or casts a vote his former captives high-5 and belly bump.
The more the Media defended McLame, the more they reminded the veterans what a mixed history he’s made for himself.
Benedict Arnold was first hero before achieving infamy as something other than.
Why not?!
They hate 0zero too. Equal opportunity hate, no racism involved.
I don’t like John McStain for a lot of reasons, mostly because he is a typical old politician doing everything he can to stay relevant and hold on to his “power”. Two-faced, lying sack of dog excrement (my apologies to dogs). I find his face and eyes creepy…”dolls eyes”….or Little Orphan Annie’s (comic strip). Did I already say liar? Oh yea…his “butt buddy” was dead ted. That’s for starters and that IS how I really feel.
P.S. “Maverick” sucked at U.S. Navy mos.
see them breathing the same air?that’s what lovers do! Be sickened and afraid/
“Pork Chop Barbie”- LMAO! They are a bunch of pretty people that’d suck a grown man’s goober to attain higher social status. Let the dogs of hell eat their flesh.
A “maverick” was a guy who started out enlisted and became an officer. McCain adopted this to make himself appear to not be a 3rd generation suck-off and an independent thinking Senator. I’m sure that EVERY member of the Armed Forces doesn’t hate him, but his cheating the veterans and retirees, while having his lackeys and sycophants yell about what a hero his is, probably rankles.
Just remember they called him Songbird in North Vietnam. This guy was no hero. He got shot down, ejected improperly, broke his arms and that was most of his injuries. If his daddy wasn’t an admiral he would have been grounded years before. Look at his piss poor flying record. There are lots of questions about McLame and the horrific USS Forrestal accident. He and Teddy Kennedy have a lot in common.
Don’t you mean “mustang” instead of maverick?
And one more thing go back and look at McLame’s voting record on Veteran’s issues. It is disgusting.
“Pork Chop Barbie”, now that’s funny. “Songbird” McCain’s daughter has a radio show on Fox affiliates and it’s nothing more than an apology format due to Trump’s criticism of her RINO hack father. Thank God they didn’t 86 the Mark Levin show.
yeah, on second thought, definitely!
Oops! Thanks.
McCain is hated by the Military for the same reason they hate Oboink and Hitlary.
In order to be an effective soldier you have to be able to discern enemy from friend, no matter the age, gender, uniform, equipment, or endless stream of bullshit pouring out of their mouths.
Same reason we all hate the backstabbing scumbag.
Good one Lazlo. That picture speaks volumes.
The Viet Cong didn’t keep him alive for nothing. McShame must have been a very valuable asset/operative.