
A remarkable transformation is underway in the Commonwealth of Virginia.


The birthplace and final resting place of George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson—and once one of the most reliably-red of red states—is being rapidly turned into a progressive stronghold.

These changes are not the result of an inside agency, or a natural evolution in political thinking, but rather the result of one of the most impactful yet least-discussed policies of the federal government.

Each year the federal government prints millions of visas and distributes these admission tickets to the poorest and least-developed nations in the world.

illegal democrat

A middle-aged person living in parts of Virginia today will have witnessed more demographic change in the span of her life than many societies have experienced in millennia.




  1. If illegals voted republican we would have never had any here. This is a genius idea for the left. No point in anyone else voting. It’s a lock.
    What did the 2015 congress do; nothing.

  2. well, since we really dont need to respect or honor those old slavers from centuries ago, we should probably just raze the structures an raise thousands of brand-new, clearly needed, affordable homes for the Numericans but the RePUKES will give the rest of us all kinds of theatrics and shenanigans because they hate children and immigrants and want them to freeze to death this winter, uh, Christmas

  3. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with people using their individual liberties to vote how ever the hell they’re told vote… and then getting rewarded with private sector money.

  4. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

    Good luck with that, Virginia. These wretched refuse come, wave upon wave, after all, as “an act of love”.

    Just ask Jeb.

  5. As much as I am vehemently against illegal immigration, I would rather have illegals that are for God (Roman Catholicism) than for Allah (Islam) any day!

  6. This is the WaPo, after all, and they’re not registered to vote just yet. Besides, what happens when all the white people move to North Dakota?

    A little more FUD from the Left.

    You heard it here first.

  7. I moved from Falls Church to Manassas in 1988. By 2004, you could drive on Route 28 and not see an American for miles. I moved to Yorktown and haven’t looked back. Northern Virginia might as well be the People’s Republic of Maryland.

  8. We lost Virginia the last 2 elections…Virginia is already blue.

    Mostly, thanks to northern virginia, which is the shit-runoff of DC.

    Pennsylvainia was once solid red…As was Illinois.

  9. We could fix it in 30 minutes if we’d just wake the fuck up long enough to do it! Or get away from the TV and X-Box.

    Seize their assets.
    Deport the Rat-People.
    Deport the Parasites.
    Clean out the prisons and deport them, too.
    Secure the borders.
    Kill violators.
    Only allow immigrants who are tangible assets to America.

    There. Simple solutions for simple problems.

    (but I know people don’t want solutions – they just want to whine)

  10. Yep. That’s why I was so pushing for Cucinelli for Governor and so pissed off at the traitorous Dems who said he was “a flawed candidate.”

    Last chance. ALL GONE.
    Now there’s Clinton’s boy…McAuliffe.

    Adios, Jefferson, Madison, Washington…

  11. Living here temporarily and waiting to get back home asap. This area has changed for the worse. Feel bad for the people who will not be leaving. Soon there will be hardly anyplace in the USA that we will be able to escape to. Something has to give soon. I want my country back.

  12. Moved to SE VA about 11 years ago because it was more conservative (moved from socialist MD). Now with the last 2 elections I wonder if my vote will matter anymore.

    I mean Terry made governor????

  13. “To each other your lives, your fortune and your sacred honor.” Because there are people not willing to make this “pledge,” it is and will continue to be taken from us. I have committed to this. I’m not afraid to give up all I have for Freedom and to restore this country to the way it was designed, a way the Founding Fathers would be proud, because I believe, even though they have shaken off this mortal coil, they can see what is happening to their once great country. To see the poor stewards that we all are, has to be the most gut wrenching, soul draining reality any one could fathom.
    Make no mistake, the other side is lying, cheating and stealing to remove us and our way of life. To be silent is to be complicit. It’s time for action, and I’m not talking about voting, because they are stacking the deck. The longer it goes the worse it gets.
    Many years from now, lying in your beds, would you be willing to trade every day, from this one to that, for just one chance to tell our enemies they may take our lives, but they WILL NOT TAKE OUR FREEDOM ?

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