Boston mayor ‘cannot commit’ to Olympic bid – IOTW Report

Boston mayor ‘cannot commit’ to Olympic bid– Walsh says plainly that if the USOC needs a financial commitment today, he can’t make it.

boston 2024 no go

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh is willing to lose the city’s Olympic bid rather than commit today to an agreement that puts Boston on the hook for budgetary shortfalls, he said.

“If committing to signing a guarantee today is what’s required to move forward, then Boston is no longer pursuing the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games,” Walsh said Monday.  MORE

h/t KayGee

13 Comments on Boston mayor ‘cannot commit’ to Olympic bid

  1. At least there is one elected official smart enough to look at the IOC track record, not to mention the whole shitty mess of World Cup soccer, and saying no based on the incredible expenses these fiascos cost for the host City. Not only are there guaranteed to be incredible cost overruns, the facilities any city would be on the hook to build would be incredibly expensive no matter how you paid for them, and they would be used once.

    I don’t think LA has that kind of money laying around and neither does the State of Kallyfornea.

  2. Why waste the time and the money. The Olympics, if they are to be held should be held only in greece (and thank goodness they can’t afford to put them on) or an alternative scheme: not at all! Besides with B. Insane Obama prancing around the world stage
    we will soon have the World War III Olympics! They are scheduled to be held simultaneously in every country!

  3. Smart man. Lucky citizens. The Olympics is a fucking scam and a ripoff. It’s bad enough that every NFL, MLB, and NBA team demands a new stadium very ten years, but the Olympics is the most colossal waste of fucking taxpayer money any city could ever hamstring itself with. I look forward to that glorious day when no city anywhere in the fucking Worlds wants to host the Olympics and those IOC bastards have to work a real job for a goddamn living for a change.

  4. I hear Greek islands are pretty cheap right now. The IOC should buy one, beg for the money, build the facilities, and use the same place every four years.

    Either that or talk the Saudis into building a permanent set of venues. I can hardly wait to watch synchronized drowning, and the decapithlon.

  5. thanks for the morning chuckle Uncle Al. synchronized drowning.
    in fact all women athletes competing in burkas would just kill the ratings. beach volleyball played with burkas? the high dive watching trash bags fall off of it?

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