Illegals storm Miami Beach during model’s shoot – IOTW Report

Illegals storm Miami Beach during model’s shoot


A group of illegal immigrants inadvertently interrupted a Miami Beach photo shoot this month, as they sprinted from a boat to the shore in the middle of a modeling video.

illegals miami beach

Ekaterina Juskowski filmed the nine or so migrants running onto the sand while shooting a video with a model friend around 6 a.m. on July 10, according to the New Times Broward-Palm Beach.

At first she saw a boat approaching the shore, but figured it was just harboring scuba divers, so she turned off her camera. She switched it back on when the men poured out of the vessel, leaving it behind as they ran to shore, she told the newspaper.  MORE

11 Comments on Illegals storm Miami Beach during model’s shoot

  1. Better yet, shoot them all then take them back out to sea and dump them. And even better yet, take them out to sea, dump them, then shoot them. That way you don’t get the boat bloody.

  2. If you do this kinda crap in one of their countries…you will be killed or caught and thrown in prison. Why in God’s name are we allowing this invasion to continue? Some one needs to wake up and stop this crap now. It is up to the governor’s of each state, then the mayor’s of the cities…then the sheriff’s and police. If that fails then a state militia needs to step up. A second operation wetback needs to happen NOW. Our government is committing treason.

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