Hillary Shuts Down Swanky Salon To Get $600 Hairdo – IOTW Report

Hillary Shuts Down Swanky Salon To Get $600 Hairdo

I wonder if that $600 includes plucking those stray curly white hairs from her chinny-chin-chin? [Blur-Brain]


24 Comments on Hillary Shuts Down Swanky Salon To Get $600 Hairdo

  1. Like the first Black President Mrs. Co-President, likes expensive haircuts and neither one minds who they inconvenience. Must be that Arkansas Hillbilly Blue Blood and that Plain Jane Lesbo queen privilege card that drives their motors. Besides she has to try to look somewhat presentable for her upcoming perp walk!

  2. Well, if Bill could purportedly shut down an airport for his $200 haircut in 1993, fairs fair, eh? After all, Hitlary is just preparing for her turn in the White House, right?

  3. I don’t think that I’ve even spent $600 on haircuts in my lifetime and I’m 62. Between my Dad giving my 3 brothers and I pig shaves (buzz cuts) growing up and the Navy and cheap haircuts at the local barber college (you don’t want to go there on prank day) and my wife cutting my hair for years. And besides since I’m follically challenged (bald) I don’t need to get what’s left of my hair cut but twice a year anymore. I get my beard trimmed far more often than I get my hair cut anymore.

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