Man Shoots Armadillo – IOTW Report

Man Shoots Armadillo

armadillo laughing

DALLAS (Reuters) – An East Texas man was wounded after he fired a gun at an armadillo in his yard and the bullet ricocheted back to hit him in his face, the county sheriff said on Friday.

Cass County Sheriff Larry Rowe said the man, who was not identified, went outside his home in Marietta, southwest of Texarkana, at around 3 a.m. on Thursday morning. He spotted the armadillo on his property and opened fire. MORE


21 Comments on Man Shoots Armadillo

  1. Thanks for the info Brad. I shoot .45 185 gr (12 g) Bonded Defense 1,225 ft/s
    I just don’t think about a .45 ricocheting. I’m new to .45 pistols and just assumed.
    No way. Glad you were around.

  2. I’ve been shooting a .38 (CCW) and the husband wants me to get familiar with his .45 just in case I have to use it. After reading how much you like a .45 I finally agreed to at least learn how to use it. Just in case.

  3. If I remember correctly, the article I read said he used a .38 special. Liable to be a Saturday night special with a 2 inch or less barrel. Hence, the velocity would likely be in the 750 to 850 fps range depending on whether he was using +P ammo or standard pressure, The velocity would likely be even less if he was using the heavier 158 grain rounds. I know a .22 LR at 1,200 fps or so with a 40 grain projectile will penetrate an armadillo shell quite effectively.

    This story reminded me of this idiot shooting a champagne bottle with a slingshot (and the bottle was apparently as tough as an armadillo shell LOL – warning for the squeamish …… it results in a nice, gushing head wound).

  4. The 2nd armadillo ricochet shooting I’ve read about here this year. The other guy bounced a 9mm off the critter and hit his mother-in-law in the back.
    This guy also used an underpowered round. Armadillos move pretty slow. If you don’t own a decent firearm and you just have to kill one of them, use your truck. I saw three dead in the road on the way to town yesterday. Shells still intact.

  5. Living along a wooded creek area (S Austin) we have them regularly in the yard, digging small holes. Doesn’t bother me, but neighbor lady spends lots of time effort live trapping them lol.

    I often have to water late into the night; with water restrictions we only get a certain day and time and it takes awhile. Anyway, there have been many times when I’m moving the hose and sprinkler and my friend Mr Dillo is only feet away, going about his (or her) business. One time I spooked it accidentally (and startled the heck outta me too); it took off at very high speed for the back fence, looking to plow under it but it just busted right through it LOL sigh.. Neighbor fills the space with rocks but the dillo just move’s em out again lol.. It’s become the regular passageway.

    There are TONS of critters around here. One must always tread carefully.. Had a small diamondback move into the garage over the winter. After stepping over it basically for a few days, pondering what to do lol I finally got brave and took a 5 gal Lowes bucket and gently prodded and coaxed it inside. Then gently slid it out in the woods, away from the casa. It never even posed threateningly, just slowly moved off. Had it been warmer out of course I never would have done this.

    There’s a large coral snake that lives under the driveway. That’s a bit frightening. Dunno how the numerous big toads get around that. They’re my watering night companions; have to step carefully so as not to squash any of the big fellas 🙂 They like to cool off in the water.

    We also have scorpions out the wazzoo (booo).. Have to watch carefully where you put your hands to open the fence gate, move the garbage cans, etc, etc.

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