Judge Who Blocked Planned Parenthood Expose Videos Raised $230,000+ For Obama – IOTW Report

Judge Who Blocked Planned Parenthood Expose Videos Raised $230,000+ For Obama

TheLastRefuge– Judge William H. Orrick, III, granted the injunction just hours after the order was requested by the National Abortion Federation.

orrick fed judge

Orrick was nominated to his position by hardline abortion supporter President Barack Obama. He was also a major donor to and bundler for President Obama’s presidential campaign. He raised at least $200,000 for Obama and donated $30,800 to committees supporting him, according to Public Citizen.  more

16 Comments on Judge Who Blocked Planned Parenthood Expose Videos Raised $230,000+ For Obama

  1. Can this federal judge be impeached? Along with barry the prince of killing babies for any reason whatsoever. If this wasn’t Bizarro world they’d be held accountable for their unfettered support of abortion for any reason. If I was barry I’d be aware of God’s judgement in the next world but barry couldn’t give a damn about anything good. I wonder how God will bless him for saying God bless Planned Parenthood?

  2. Besides the obvious problems with this son of a bitch, who goes around calling himself “Judge William H. Orrick, III”.
    Pompous ass.
    I think he’s got a vacuum cleaner named after him.

  3. The democrats should change their name to the Ghoul party.

    They’re for “the little guy” by selling the little guy piece by piece.

    They’re for “helping” ending your troubles by simply ending your life as soon as possible.

    Their patron saint is Kermit Gosnell.

  4. This is one of the most dangerous outcomes of having a Socialist in the white house: judicial appointments that mirror their fundamental transformation of the United States of America.

    Pray that no one else either dies or retires from the Supreme Court until Hussein is out of office.

  5. In politics, it really doesn’t matter. If you do the legwork first, you get the appointment for being a good little bundist. If you are appointed first, it is with the understanding you will be called upon to render a favorable verdict to the appointer.

  6. The group doing the video’s ought to get “hacked” and those pesky hackers release the videos everywhere they can. I can imagine them appearing befrore the Judge and saying “Gee your honor we wuz hacked, hacked I says, just like the government gets every day”

  7. Hey Geoff. A complaint would have to be filed against the judge alleging his actions render him incapable of proper er, judging or something like that. Unfortunately the complaint goes to the head of the circuit court for that area which in this case I think is the Ninth Circuit who decides if there is merit. I suspect in this case the head of the Ninth would just quash it outright. This prick will be on the bench until the period on the appointment he purchased is over.

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