Insanity Defense – IOTW Report

Insanity Defense


SteynOnline- At the end of a rather long day, I swung by Neil Cavuto’s show on Fox News and was perhaps rather blunt about the current state of both the Republican and Democrat races.

First, the Republican presidential campaign. Rand Paul calls the commanding lead of Donald Trump “temporary insanity” on the part of the voters:

Steyn stated, “Rand Paul says this is temporary insanity on the part of whatever it is, 20-something percent of the Republican base. I think it was Einstein who said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again, and expecting a different result. And the base supported the Republican Party establishment, delivered them a huge victory in 2010 in the House, and a huge victory in the House and Senate in 2014, and got nothing to show for it. And they’re tired of being stiffed by the Republican Party establishment. And I think Trump’s rise in the poll, reflects actually nothing more sophisticated than the fact that the voter base of the Republican Party absolutely hates the Republican Party leadership and establishment.”

He continued, “I don’t think he’s a Herman Cain character. If you remember, Herman Cain was asked about Uzbekistan, and I don’t think he’d heard of the joint. … And Trump, in that sense, is actually much more on top the facts.. Rand Paul is a very smart guy, but he takes refuge in the same cliches. He said, in part of that statement where he called Trump’s voters insane, he says ‘Washington is broken.’ The problem is, that if you’re a Democrat, Washington isn’t broken. It works very effectively for you.”

That’s true. If you’re a liberal, Washington isn’t in the least bit “broken”: It’s given you Obamacare, same-sex marriage, massive expansion of welfare… It’s an effective vehicle for delivering to liberals the world they want to live in. So they vote Democrat, and Democrats use Washington to reward them. Conservatives vote Republican, and get what? Washington isn’t “broken” so much as the GOP is broken. MORE

13 Comments on Insanity Defense

  1. The GOP isn’t broken. It is delivering the goods to those who give it financial support. It’s just that the big money doesn’t happen to come from the ordinary conservative or libertarian voter.

    And it will keep right on working this way until the govt has big chunks of power stripped away from it. You can bet that the pols and bureaucrats won’t let that happen without a fight, either.

  2. I am ready for Hillary!

    No, I am not trolling.

    The GOP has never represented me, from my very first vote in the mid 80’s. They get some of it right during the sales pitch, but then we end up with Mark Kirk.

    I am a numbers person and Obomba’s policies have merely placated a ticking time bomb. We need the Democrats to finally own the shit they spew to get the GOP to realize they need to be the opposition party not coconspirators.

    Therefore the GOP is dead to me for 2016. I am all for Hillary or Bernie or Debbie, etc.

    By electing a D in 2016 and follow the flame out, it will probably guarantee another D won’t be elected for another 100 years!

  3. Oaks – I hear ya, but I’m afraid things will not get better after they get worse. They will just get worse and worse. I’m afraid that no matter what we do, we are on our way to becoming a third-world dump with a banana republic government. Voting R or D will get us the same results, though perhaps on a slightly different timetable. I’m a downer, I know.

  4. I like to face the inevitable head on, I’m only getting older the more the can is kicked.

    $18T of debt will soon be $36T

    Because of debt, social errosion will accelerate and the wider the gap is between the haves and have nots.

    D policies always leave a shit ton of cleanup for an incoming R. While the D typically rides the coat tails of a fallen R.

    Obomba worked hard at being a D failure, let them own it.

  5. You seem stuck on this delusion that SOMEDAY (when?!?) the Dems will get blamed and the American people will hold the Dems to blame for their crimes.

    All you would be doing by voting for a Dem/Hillary is
    You will NEVER be “placing the responsibility on the Dems”…NEVER.
    The media won’t do it.
    Americans won’t hear it.

    Are YOU going to go around the country and scream it?
    Why haven’t you?!
    Because A) it wouldn’t work, B) you would come off nuts.

    The only way to change the politics is by either voting for another type of politics (Conservative) or by other Constitutional means as proper and necessary.

  6. There’s a war going on.
    And at its essence, it’s Good v Evil.

    Good is always a tough sell, because it requires judgment, rational thought, logic, reason, and a foundation of principles that cannot be abandoned – for if they are abandoned, the Good no longer is Good – it becomes expedient.

    Evil, on the other hand, is all the ‘fun’ and easy stuff: destroying, tearing down, mocking, sadistic, hateful, envious, relativistic (not in the Physics sense). Pay for nothing. Invest in nothing. Learn nothing. Mouth platitudes. Make the ‘proper’ noises. Be a part of the ‘greater community.’ Be the loudest braggart in the mob. Demand everything while contributing nothing. Scream “Look at Me!” because you’re a faceless, gray shadow in a hive of 6 billion other faceless gray shadows. Your life has no meaning so you assume that life has no value.

    This is a multi-faceted, multi-fronted, layered, defense-in-depth war that cannot have a negotiated settlement.
    Life or Death? Where’s the room to negotiate?
    Free or Slave? How do you negotiate that?
    Only a Slave 3 days a week, like we do now?
    Unsatisfactory for everyone.

    We have to stand. This isn’t a question of the Bolsheviks or the Mensheviks “owning” the catastrophe – it’s a question of surviving the catastrophe and building a better world – free from Evil.

  7. I think the dems are doing a splendid job of running things into the wall this very moment. Why stop their momentum only to take the blame again as a conservative?

    While I cannot predict the next economic collapse, I do believe we’re in for a doozy in short order, not to mention all that’s going on in the litter box.

    I’d much rather watch a D be a D than an R be a D any day of the week. The shit Obomba will leave behind only ensures the R will be a D, so may as well put a D in the seat.

  8. The only way to change the politics is by either voting for another type of politics…

    You do realize, don’t you, that the electoral system is more corrupt than a hog farm waste lagoon? The crooked pols whose politics you propose changing control the voting machinery.

    …or by other Constitutional means as proper and necessary.

    The Constitution does not contain any effective ways to change politics. What tools it contains are traps. Hamilton and the other big-govt lovers made sure of that when they successfully carried out the counter-revolution of 1787.

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