Abortionist Curtis Boyd: “Am I Killing? Yes, I Am. I Know That.” – IOTW Report

Abortionist Curtis Boyd: “Am I Killing? Yes, I Am. I Know That.”

boyd late term abortionist

LifeNews- At age 76, Curtis Boyd, infamous late-term abortionist, has performed thousands of abortions on viable babies. Ironically, Boyd was raised in a Christian home in Texas, and later in life became an ordained Baptist minister. Then, with complete disregard to God’s commandments, Boyd left the church and opened up a back alley abortion clinic in Athens, Texas.



47 Comments on Abortionist Curtis Boyd: “Am I Killing? Yes, I Am. I Know That.”

  1. it’s all good. As a baptist I am sure he has confessed Christ Lord Jesus as his Savior so he’s been saved and is going to heaven once he dies.

    Mitt Romney on the other hand is a Mormon and he is going to hell. That is why 5 million born-again-retards sat home and gave the election to the high priest of Moloch himself Obama. Better to have Obama (the guy who voted 3 times as state senator to murder babies that survived an abortion) than a Mormon.

    And yes to Tsunami- God will not be mocked.

  2. From the article: “Boyd works closely with organizations like “Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice”, an organization composed of so-called Catholic priests and so-called Protestant pastors who meet with abortion-minded women, to give them “counseling” to “bless their decision to abort”.

    Looks like he isn’t going to be the only ‘religious’ person facing the eternal damnation meted out to those who destroy God’s greatest reward this side of Heaven.

    “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.” – Psalm 127:3

  3. I can picture this monster and others like him, on their death beds, like W. C. Fields clutching a Bible and frantically “looking for loopholes”.
    Alas…too little, too late.

  4. I am an ex-independent fundamental Baptist. IFBs are not a denomination but an affiliation of independent churches that split off from the SBC decades ago due to its creeping liberalism and defection from the Bible (both of which continue today). So just to give a frame of reference, I’m now simply a Bible only grace believer, which makes me even more biblically conservative than when I was an IFB.

    Said that to say this: whatever gospel this man heard when he was with the SBC was either a false gospel that was powerless to save him or (more likely, my guess) he did hear the true saving Gospel of Christ but did not believe it and still doesn’t. Either one is possible but I do not believe any person can do what he does for a living and say “Christ died for my sins, was buried, and rose the third day for my justification.” Not while admitting to murdering children, sorry.

    The link to the article is not working so I haven’t seen his testimony but I’m almost positive he was never saved and so is not saved now.


    I voted for Romney, and of all the people in my circles, I know of no one who who stayed home because he’s LDS.

  5. These people don’t have to wait to go to hell, they are living in a hell right here on earth that is of their own making. I have two close relatives who are in the medical field, one in Seattle and one in Portland. To say that they treat a lot of progressives would be the understatement of the decade.

    Both of them have said that one of the commonalities that they see in the medical history that all patients must fill out is progressives almost universally have a history of clinical depression and decades of taking of anti-depressant medications.

    Regardless of what their physical ailments that they are being seen for the symptoms are being exacerbated by this dynamic. Neither of them is in the psychiatric field and the maladies they are coming in for treatment are on the surface totally independent of their mental issues – but from what my relatives have told me: Most all of their issues I see them for stem from their depression and usage of related prescription meds.

    These people are making lots of money and “living the dream” in the progressive of Seattle or Portland where everything they do is validated and reinforced, but they are miserable. They are living in hell and they are too blind to see that it is a hell that they have created.

    Oh, they will spend an eternity in hell all right, but they are not waiting around having a grand ol’ time until they kick the bucket, irrespective of what they project to the outside world, their misery knows no bounds.

  6. Hell is not what you think it is, Mr. Boyd. It’s not even what I think it is. It’s much worse.

    My idea of your Hell would be:


    You are a baby just two months from birth. Your mother decides you are not worth it and visits what used to be your place of business. You are ripped from the protective womb your mother has been carrying you in.

    You fight. You scream. You try to get away. Nothing helps. You are torn asunder; one arm and one leg at a time. But you still live.

    You feel all the pain, anguish and hopelessness that your short life has not prepared you for. Then, the cruel cold; the stabbing light. Your head is crushed and severed from you body to protect your vital organs – to be used for someone else.

    You fade into darkness…to awaken in your mother’s womb. She is on the table to begin the procedure to rid her of her punishment.


    I sobbed as I wrote that. I told myself not to write it. It’s too terrible. But God is a just God. Mr. Boyd will be in a Hell just as bad, if not worse.

    Of course, I’m not God and do not know your future. But you do.

  7. Hell’s bells!

    And *I* thought that “God’s law” was to bury women up to their waists in the town square and stone ’em.

    Must be another book, eh? Another “God’s law?”

    I wish you people could see the love — important love — and the sacrifice this man has made to help these women. He’s not doing what he does to rack up millions like Hillary. His is a calling, even more so than your armchair hatred of him. Avoiding your wrathful indignation would have been easy. He has chosen to drag a cross uphill and you…. you just spit on him.

    Worse: you are not pro-life, any of you. Just pro-birth. Then, you’ll yell and scream when the baby has cigarette burns and broken bones and cheer when the mother is sent to prison for a decade. Sanctimonious, that’s all.

    Ah, judge not lest ye be judged….? What book is that?

    …Lady in Red

  8. Magnum, that was very hard to read.

    When I was spit out of my “liberal arts” university my glib libness must have painful to all who would listen. It’s MY BODY, MY CHOICE! Thank God my mother had the sense to take her boy-loving girl to the doctor who instilled the fear in me of what this CHOICE meant. I guess doctors can’t do that anymore.

  9. Just looked up the guy’s story. Whatever form of baptist he had been (I assumed SBC but may have been wrong), another story says he’s now a Unitarian-Universalist, meaning he has categorically denied the Gospel of Christ as the only Way, Truth and Life, in favor of the false gospel of universalism, which is of antichrist.

    So according to the Bible, he is not saved and is not on his way to Heaven, lest he repents to Christ and believes the saving Gospel. And that’s not my judgment — that’s what God’s eternal Word says. I’m just reporting it.

  10. My own inadequate conception of Boyd’s Hell is that he finds himself strapped down on a table, legs spread, and faceless demons attempt to perform an abortion on his childless male body. When they find nothing, they keep looking, and digging, and looking, and digging. Forever.

  11. Yeah, I’m sick to death hearing that BS. Who the hell believes the numbers the govt. hands out as to how many voters “stayed home?” Why isn’t the blatant fucking fraud ever the culprit?

  12. lady in red

    i do not know you. so rather than guessing, please tell me about yourself. specifically

    1. are you female or male
    2. have you had an abortion or shared in one
    3. are you single or married
    4. do you have offspring
    5. do you belong to any denomination and if so, what
    6. who did you vote for in last election
    7. were you the victim of sexual abuse at any time

    other questions come to mind but these work for me.

    you spend alot of time here defending abortion. to understand you, would appreciate your candour on above queries.

  13. I am a member of an independent fundamental Baptist church. I do not know anybody that did not vote Romney. Most that I have talked to went to vote specifically to keep the evil one out.

  14. I’ve no special story, Reddecaesari. A childhood of love — with no abuse. A marriage 24×7 with the most brilliant wonderful man in the world.

    I am a conservative, but one who is troubled, often, by a kind of cult-like thinking, shared, re-enforced by the group: all women are alike, want to have babies and if *we* (the knowing) can force that upon them, one day they will thank us.

    There are no bad mothers in your world, no post-partem depression, no suicides. It’s all daisy fields — and the world is not like that.

    Hitler did not wake up every morning excited about doing evil and evil is never ever done in the name of evil, but always by well-intentioned souls who feel they have the right to impose their will — and morality — on others. Muslims stone people, not to be evil, but for the greater good.

    It takes a lot to pull yourself out of the scene, try to understand with a fresh mind how the world might be if all the stories “Life News” or whatever the mag is feeds its people. Could it be that all of it is not true.

    I’m concerned about the violence of your folk, also. Of course there were murders of doctors in the past, but if you read these messages and their hatred — for the doctor and for me, the cunt.

    Is that Christ-like? Where does that pathological hatred, wish that a *doctor* who has devoted his life to helping people — whatever you think you know about his work and motives — should suffer in hell?

    Is that Christ-like?

    My dog, who adores me more than life, spent nine months in a doggie orphanage before I came along. I’m glad she lived and I’m sad about all the beautiful little critters who never find homes and must be “put to sleep.” It’s sad, but it is also necessary.

    We need to treasure life, but not be neurotic about it. Having thousands of swarming would-be immigrants die en route from Africa to Europe is not pleasant.

    Infestations, trash species of any variety is not good. The Lord God wanted balance. We must treasure all life, be kind, caring, but not neurotic about it.

    Fur ran a clip this morning: Thank God Cecil is finally dead!

    #Zebra Lives Matter!

    And they sure do — to the zebras. ….Lady in Red

  15. do you have any children? have you had an abortion?
    what, if any, church do you belong to? if you do not want to answer, just say so.

    i believe my other questions were answered.

    thank you.

  16. Fur and I were discussing this privately a few days ago and I sent him this article, which I’ve read many times. The writing is very good, frank. There’s no Impressionistic pastel word pictures and yet the story is one of love and sacrifice, passion and caring — and hurt. Ah, so much hurt! ….all of which was caused by people like you, Reddi. …..people who felt they had the right to destroy his life, as much as possible.

    Pls read it and think about it, whether this is a man who deserves the worst of hell as Claudia hopes for Boyd. Think about his motivation. Hell: think about the importance of the work he is doing.

    You won’t find this in Pro-Life News, but being exposed is good, I think:


    …Lady in Red

  17. I have had two abortions, one when I was young and stupid.

    I had an IUD abortion with my husband holding my hand.

    I have no children and, although ambivalent here and there, my husband did not want children and I think I would have been a lousy, demanding mother.

    I an a Quaker with a license to carry and, today, I carry, concealed, all the time. (Perhaps, I can save a life, one day….? …..smile…) ….Lady in Red

  18. so… Since he was once saved, and then went on a murder spree, knowing full well that he is committing murder time and again, he is still saved?

    Once saved always saved, huh? Put your faith on those couple verses you’ve taken out of context, go right ahead.

    This guy, I’m pretty sure he will need some asbestos pajamas where he’s ending up, whether or not he once thought he was saved. There are plenty of scriptures taken IN context that proves once-saved-always-saved is very dangerous bunk.

  19. i do not recall wanting to destroy someone’s life in this thread, as you posit.

    it is difficult to follow your train of conscience. you start off on one thing, then stop and start another thread of thought. but it is evident that your personal experience has embedded you in the abortion camp. understood.

    i know zip about quakers. Catholic (vatican 1) here.

    what i do know is this. neither you or i have the moral right to kill a child in the womb. it is that simple. and you can go on and on about it but these are truths that are eternal.

    i hope you find peace and mercy.


  20. The nifty thing about Quakers is that there is no dogma: God is in all of us, in an inner light. We find our way to him at our own pace, in our own time.

    Sadly, I’m not fond of Catholics: too much cant and too much evil done in the name of priests of power. I find it unpleasant. Do you know The Magdalene Laundries? You may google it, if not.

    I respect your belief that you have no moral right to kill a child in the womb. I simply wish you would leave it at that, not impose your idea of morality on the world.

    I wish we never had to kill an unwanted animal, as well, but, sometimes, God makes it hard for us.

    Please read the article. ….Lady in Red

  21. To think that abortion can be good is to believe that women are weak and inferior. I have heard the argument that some mothers have no choice. Only animals have no choice. So, the callousness of abortionists and their supporters show their disregard for women’s minds, bodies and souls.

  22. Ahh, the typical demonic act of using the Bible’s passages in a failed attempt to highlight the hypocrisy of those who would dare to judge the evil act of murdering a baby inside or outside the womb. Yes, Satan knows the Bible inside and out and the corruptor of the truth is magnificent in how he gets his unwitting followers to engage in specious arguments to deflect from the truth. Oh, the sympathy and nurturing of the frail human condition this vile snake exhibits as she extols to herself the compassion of a loving, moral and kind human being (who loves dogs) and with a wonderful life and husband (a most brilliant man, I am told) and the benevolent words in defense of those who must commit these heinous, selfish acts. She is so troubled by all the post-partum depressions of these poor women where they can escape troubled minds only by killing their children and all will be well. She speaks platitudes about well-intentioned souls and cults who are single-minded in their advocacies. Vile snake, there is no larger and more nefarious cult than the abortion cult! Remember, this hissing snake is oh-so concerned about the violence of the pro-lifers as the abortionists crush skulls and tear limbs from helpless victims. She whispers these sweet nothings in our ears and expects us to empathize and overlook the base evil for what it is. Nice try, but we see you for what you are.
    P.S. I am so sad that you are so sad that you are not fond of Catholics, but of course, why would you be?

  23. LIR sounds more like a Hindu or Buddhist who will claim God exists in all living creatures and their purpose or destiny in life is based on karma for the good and balance of all. The truth is that is used as a pass to excuse bad behavior. It’s a big sham.
    If she had any moral decency she would have given her baby up for adoption to a family who desperately want a family but no, she was too fucking selfish to put herself through the pregancy and everything that comes with it just like every other scum who has an abortion.
    Give it up LADY you’re not fooling anyone here. There is a clear line between right and wrong no matter what a persons faith may be and you, I and everyone else in the world knows it.

  24. “I respect your belief that you have no moral right to kill a child in the womb. I simply wish you would leave it at that, not impose your idea of morality on the world.”

    I know what you mean. Its a real pain in the ass when people just don’t sit back and let other people do what they want or define reality they way they want. I mean, how many lives would have been spared had the world just let Hitler get on with his “final solution”? See how nifty that is. He is not murdering “people”. He was just getting ride of “Jews”. Abortionists are not murdering “babies” they are “terminating fetuses”.

    What a gutless faith you have. Instead of “do unto others as you would have others do unto you” what you espouse seems to be more like “”I’ll do whatever I want but by God don’t judge me or I’ll be forced to judge you; and then you will force me to hate you for it”. I think I would prefer the clarity of Atheism and that way if I were to utter something as morally idiotic like you just did I would only be pining an idiot flag on myself instead of a whole movement. But that would require you taking responsibility and as we can read from your post and the tenants of your faith you don’t go for that.

    Here is the thing you are missing. In your efforts to dehumanize the consequences those that choose abortion all of you have actually dehumanized yourselves. For example; your heart is pained for all the unwanted pets out there that will be put down while at the same time you live in a country that has a 5 year waiting list for adoption human babies and yet your heart is not pained at the thought of the millions of babies murdered on the altar of conveyance. Do you understand the magnitude of that fact? It means, in this Country, every baby is a wanted baby regardless of race or medical condition. But you don’t give a rats ass about them but animals that is a different story. You have more empathy for animals than your supposed “brothers & sisters”.

    Do you also refrain from making moral judgments or advocate others living a moral law when it comes to matters of robbery, assault and battery, arson, DUI, murder (well, I guess you made it clear you have moral flexibility on that particular vice) drug sales & prostitution? (imagine for the sake of argument not some “bad part of town” but in front of your home) Or do you only play the holier-than-thou-Mathew7:1 when it is an evil you indulge in?

  25. Matthew 7:21-23

    21 Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
    22 Many will say to Me in that day, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?”
    23 And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.”

  26. Julio, you write like a high priest yourself — or one who has been so thoroughly immersed your have lost the ability for independent thought. Whew! …..Lady in Red

  27. Do you know how many times those words have been translated, jbinnout?

    Do you know that a group of fat old men, wanting to insure their own power and wealth put the book, the Bible, together? (No women, btw. Their “books” were omitted. Sounds like a crowd who would force women into second class status to me…..)

    If you translate “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” into Russian it most easily comes out, “The wine is good but the meat has gone bad.”

    Why do you trust your translations? Because that is what you have been trained to believe.

    You are building your “house” upon sand and the God that is in all of us will not be pleased with your petty hatreds. …..Lady in Red

  28. DaveVA,

    I believe you 100%. I’ve been in generally fundie circles for many years and I can count on one hand the number of people who’d refuse to vote because the best candidate of choice is an unbeliever (however, I do know many, many people – from atheists to fundamentalists – who are likely staying home solely because the GOP is no longer answerable to us and openly despises us).

    The problem with reports about fundies and evangies staying home and putting Obama in office is with the report I heard within a few days after the last election, that even more Catholics voted for Obama’s 2nd term than voted for his 1st. I never heard that repeated but I never heard it refuted, either. It was simply not reported except for the one time I heard it.

  29. I could not agree with you more. If the cost to fly to Africa, pay the fees and bribes while spending the required time to jump the hoops set by bureaucratizes were not so prohibitive there would be more adoption from the part of the world.

  30. now you are making more sense. the text does not say what you think it says. you can only understand the text, not with a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance and some personal effort but rather through the lens of critical feminist studies.

    I notice the text says what it means and means what it says when it supports your position (Mathew 7:1). How very convenient for you.

  31. “The nifty thing about Quakers is that there is no dogma: God is in all of us, in an inner light.”

    That is a lie. Outside of Christ, all are in darkness and at enmity with God, condemned right where they stand. You will be cast into the Lake of Fire, unless you repent unto Christ.

  32. That’s it? That’s all you got Lady in Blood? Just a critique on my writing style? Thanks for the compliment! Sooo, I’m the one who’s immersed and lack the ability for independent thought…are you serious?

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