Making “Machine-Gun Bacon” with Ted Cruz – IOTW Report

Making “Machine-Gun Bacon” with Ted Cruz

h/t C Steven Tucker

28 Comments on Making “Machine-Gun Bacon” with Ted Cruz

  1. Oh, I wasn’t saying he couldn’t shoot a machine gun.

    But calling an AR15 a machine gun is akin to saying, 30 caliber clip. A minor flaw, but one a scary black gun owner like me notices.

  2. I don’t care for this. There are betters ways to show he has a sense of humor or is one of the guys. However, I’m happy to see there is another way to cook my bacon in case I run out of propane.

  3. It shouldn’t sound better, that’s what liberals do, they call modern sporting rifles (aka AR15) assault weapons (aka machine guns).

    Just saying, Ted should know the difference as evidenced above. This should be called AR15 bacon.

    Semantics yes, but a highly important distinction in the ongoing 2A battle.

  4. Used to cook beans, K-Rations etc on the manifold of a jeep.

    Tip. Open the can first. Our ROTC 2nd Lt.tried it w/out opening the can and blew beans all over the fucking engine. Which I had to clean. Dumbass. That was back in ’61. We laughed our asses off.

  5. That was fantastic! Let’s compare – Barry’s limp-wristed staged gun photo or video of Cruz correctly firing a rifle. The bacon was icing on the cake.

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