Loretta Lynch and the Democrats’ Hillary Problem – IOTW Report

Loretta Lynch and the Democrats’ Hillary Problem

hillary prison stripes


I think Loretta Lynch has the answer to the Democrats’ problem.  She has a personal need to do something  that will provide a dose of visible integrity to her term as attorney general.  One simple action could solve her and the Democrats’ problems: respond to the demand of Tim Fitton of Judicial Watch and appoint a special prosecutor to investigate breaches of the law on the handling of national security documents on her private email server.

It may seem unlikely, but it solves a lot of problems for a lot of people.


5 Comments on Loretta Lynch and the Democrats’ Hillary Problem

  1. Lynch is no more autonomous than any other part of the hive-like “Borgs” which the DemocRATs have become. She will only act if it’s at Valerie Jarrett’s or Barack 0bama’s behest. Otherwise, she won’t.

    Imagine the phone calls every day from all over the DNC.

    “Pelosi here. Can I tinkle?”

    “Dickie Durbin cannot hold it much longer. Can he pleeeeease potty?”

    Not until the Supreme Leader of the Amerikan Collective® or her Pet President says, “By all means, go!”

  2. Sweet Lorretta Holder (get back Lorretta) ain’t prosecuting negro’s or any whites with a (D) beside their name. She obeys and does her massa’s bidding. Just another AA hire, like the last AG. Most of these clowns could never hold a real job with serious responsibilities. Even if you put lipstick on a pig….it’s still just a pig. Now get back home Loretta.

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