Looting Sweeps Venezuela as Hunger Takes Over – IOTW Report

Looting Sweeps Venezuela as Hunger Takes Over

PanAmPost- It’s the law of the jungle in Venezuela, as shopping for groceries becomes an increasingly dangerous activity. As the shortage crisis worsens, more and more angry mobs are raiding the nation’s supermarkets, looting whatever basic goods they can find.

venezuela food riots

During the first half of 2015, the Venezuelan Observatory for Social Conflict (OVCS) registered no fewer than 132 incidents of looting or attempted looting at various stores throughout the country. In addition, Venezuelan consumers staged over 500 protests that condemned the lack of available products at state-run grocery stores, markets, and pharmacies.


20 Comments on Looting Sweeps Venezuela as Hunger Takes Over

  1. I went to Caracas, Venezuela on business for a week about 20 years ago (before Chavez was elected the first time) and spent a day there from a cruise ship a couple of years before that (right after Chavez attempted his failed coup). It was a third world dung heap then – I would hate to see what it’s like in person these days.

  2. Lord, thank You for the many blessings You bestow upon us and for Your forgiving us for our trespasses. Your blessings are not deserved by us and we are forever in your debt.

    I pray You provide a knowing spirit to the people to identify these problems ahead of time and avert the starvation and desperateness of Venezuelans.

    Please bless everyone with the clarity of seeing what is real and the ability to bring forth such common sense into action for the good of the many.

    I beseech you to send a Conservative spirit to the masses to spread prosperity and abundance amongst those who can make the change.

    Not my will, but Yours be done.


  3. americans don’t even wait until they have food shortages to riot, they tear down the cities after a black man is killed by a white cop.

    wait until the ebt cards run out in the inner cities where obama’s people live.

  4. The “nice” thing is, they will tear up their own neighborhood and kill each other, before they attempt to pour like the cockroaches they are out to more civilized areas. That will give conservatives time to set up barricades and fire zones.

  5. By raise of hands, who in the classroom could NOT see this coming? No hands raised. Good you all pass Basic Conservative Economics 101. Have a good day, class dismissed.

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