“Jeb Bush is The Most Conservative Republican Governor” – IOTW Report

“Jeb Bush is The Most Conservative Republican Governor”

In this clip Erickson urges/threatens the audience to not give Jeb Bush their truthful reaction once he’s introduced. “Jeb and I exchange emails,” Erickson crows.

Ohhhhhhh. Then I’ll clap for the guy that I would never vote for.

What the hell kind of conference is this Svengali running?

Now, because of this dope’s orchestration, the NY Times runs a piece saying “Jeb Bush Gets Applause At Conservative Forum.”

Great job!!

Before we get to the clip, The Conservative Treehouse weighs in:

jeb bush dem


Jaw Dropping Nonsense – Erick Erickson: “Jeb Bush is The Most Conservative Republican Governor”…

Erick Erickson became the center of the GOP discussion this week with his disinvite of Donald Trump from the Red State gathering of political candidates. In addition, Erickson did not invite Dr. Ben Carson saying: “he’d seen him appear at charity benefits and talk about himself“.

So Erickson takes to the stage to introduce his friend: “I love this guy“, “the most conservative governor“, Jeb Bush.  Watch:

Jeb Bush, “the most conservative governor”;  surely soon to be followed by: Nancy Pelosi,the most open-minded democrat.

32 Comments on “Jeb Bush is The Most Conservative Republican Governor”

  1. “I don’t know him well…but I know him well enough.”

    PUKE ON YOU ERICKA ERICKASON. This was an orchestrated hit on The Donald too. And Ericka has that chunky-RINO-Head-Neck-Optional Karl Rove look going. Did you see Ericka read the “hate mail” he was getting from Trump supporters? The one where the guy supposedly calls Obama the N-word? I GUARANTEE he made that one up to try and paint all Trump supporters as racist. To borrow a phrase or two: TOTAL sleaze. TOTAL buffoon. TOTAL clown. TOTAL loser.

  2. Interested in what the enemy was up to, I clicked on Dana Millbank’s reaction to the debates. The ONLY republican candidate he didn’t trash was Jeb. The MSM will do everything in their power to make sure he is the only alternative to Hillary.

  3. Here we go … again. I’m really quite tired of being told who my candidate is and how I should feel about “my” choice!

    Please make these bad people stop.

  4. If Bruce Jenner can be a woman and Moose is the most elegant first Lady since Jackie Kennedy, then I guess JEB can be a “the most conservative republican governor.”

  5. Cancer.
    Burning Piles.
    Projectile Vomiting.
    103 F Fever.
    Burning, Yellow Custard Matter Oozing Penix.
    Root Canal.
    White guy getting 30 days in the DC Jail.

  6. Gina, there is absolutely nothing in it for the people. The “in it” guys are the US Chamber of Commerce and the rest of the lobbyists that control Boner and McStupid!

  7. Someone needs to create glasses that we can all put on to see a person’s true political affiliation.

    Why is it so easy for Jeb, Erick, et al, to fool us? Remember Paul Ryan? Wow, that was a shocker. And Marco Rubio; he still talks a good talk, but remember what he did, everyone! He jumped in bed with the establishment almost as soon as he made it to DC.

    Why is it so easy for them to lie? The performance on this video at the Treehouse just made me sick. Do the people in the audience know what these people think of them? Do they not remember or did they not hear what Jeb Bush said about not caring about the conservative faction of the Republican party? He said that he could win without them. We don’t matter.

    You know what Boehner has been doing to the Republican members of the House when they don’t support him? He removes them from committee memberships as punishment. He threatens. He is a tyrant as bold as King George III.

    We have four different fronts to fight:

    1) Liberal Socialist Progressives (Obama administration) who call themselves Democrats (this includes the alphabet agencies and the judiciary,

    2) and their sycophants: ‘news’ media, the entertainment industry, education, and the millions hired by Soros to stir up trouble.

    3) The elite established Democrat-lite RINO faction of the Republican party who have become entrenched.

    4) Now, along with those who are government officials, we also have their serfs who work tirelessly for them for ideological reasons or just plain greed.

    Not one of these has the country and her people as their priority.

  8. I think that Erikson has badly damaged his brand with his actions here. My only regret is that some of the other candidates declined to attend once Erikson banned Trump if only in a gesture of solidarity and to show Erikson that he is no longer the conservative doyen he once was. There could have been a few Ronald Reagan moments by staying away.

  9. Claudia, you have not been fooled. We have to fight all of the above at once and it gets very trying. Our only hope is the big boys keep calling the rino’s out so everyone hears. Its early in the game, but The Game is Afoot. All we can do is keep bringing info up as we find it pass it on and hope others pick it up.

  10. I have theory that the Establishment Recucklians have intentionally stood back and allowed 0bama to get elected twice, because every day it’s more apparent that both the ‘Rats and the ‘Cucks want us to end up as the same broken-down, third-world, crime infested shithole.

    Trump is expressing the same anger that me, you and the rest of the sentient humans outside the NYC-DC-Left Coast Soviet feel.

    The Head Honchos of the Recucklian Party don’t like that. At all.

    Boycott “Red State”.

  11. Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog’s eye.
    Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,
    Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.
    I am the Jebman, they are the Smugmen.
    I am the walrus, goo goo g’Yeb.

    apologies to John and Sir Paul

  12. Trump is scaring the shit out of the media and the establishment RINOs.
    Panic! We can’t control him! He is making us look like the idiots we are!
    All hands on deck!

  13. Trump is running away with this because he hasn’t had his balls cut off.
    Do you really believe that you have to bow down to lying assholes? Do you really belive that you have to bow down to assholes who should have been targeted by Planned Parenthood’s Eugenics program?
    Unfortunately, if I were to post this to a progblog, I would be deleted IMMEDIATELY.
    So much for the exchange of ideas, you barbarian conservatives.

  14. I sort of get the sense that Ericsson somehow KNOWS this is his “last hurrah” and is going for all the gold rings he can get.

    A sad, miserable loser.

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