President Cruz’s first day in office: Bye-bye Iranian sellout – IOTW Report

President Cruz’s first day in office: Bye-bye Iranian sellout

Ted Cruz on Obam

IsraelMatzav: Ted Cruz made a speech at the RedState conference in which he laid out five actions he would take on his first day in office.

During this speech, Cruz laid out five actions that he would take on his first day in office.  The Daily Signal reports:

The first action would be to “rescind every illegal executive action taken by Barack Obama,” including his “executive amnesty.”

Next, he would “instruct the Department of Justice to open an investigation into Planned Parenthood” and to prosecute any criminal conduct uncovered.

Then he would instruct the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service to “cease persecuting” individuals seeking to practice their faith in their workplace.  MORE

14 Comments on President Cruz’s first day in office: Bye-bye Iranian sellout

  1. I think he is making a mistake to place his PP investigation as number two on his list. Iran comes ahead of that, as does the IRS and the DOJ, and don’t forget the damn border! PP certainly needs to be a target, but it doesn’t need to be number two. The next President has a full plate to deal with.

  2. I think it is time to send Ted another $100 bucks! BTW, Ted is the first candidate I have ever donated money to. I’ve done free work for others (not presidential, local and regional, including US reps), but Ted has me super inspired!

    C Steven, you watching? I challenge me to match my $100!

  3. The reason Cruz isn’t bashing Trump is because he knows who the real enemy is — O-B-A-M-A.

    Anything that sheds a bad light on Obama, Hillary, and the democrat party in its entirety, is a good thing for the country and Senator Cruz knows that too.

  4. I raise you $20! I’ll post the pic of the thank you letter to C Steven Tuckers FB page! Got a link to his page? I only have his phone number…and we are up to $140 right?! I double dog dare you to raise me again!

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