Ted Cruz Rally Turns Personal In Murfreesboro – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Rally Turns Personal In Murfreesboro

NewZeal– MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (WKRN) – It was an unscripted moment like few others on the presidential campaign trail Monday in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

pastor wiley

Ted Cruz paused for a moment and looked into the audience at a community center for a man who changed his family’s life.

“I was told Pastor Gaylon Wiley was here,” he told the crowd. “I haven’t seen Brother Wiley since I was a kid.”

Out in the audience that day was Gaylon Wiley, who now lives in nearby Lebanon, Tennessee.Then as the room with a thousand people fell silent, Cruz said “Brother Wiley led my dad to the Lord.”

At most gatherings, Cruz tells the story of his wayward father Rafael who had left the family in Canada in the late 1970s. more

14 Comments on Ted Cruz Rally Turns Personal In Murfreesboro

  1. I have a warm spot in my heart for Murfreesboro. Two of my direct ancestors lived there and fought with Andy Jackson against the British at the Battle of New Orleans! Both of them, members of the Tennesee Mounted Militia, were killed during that battle. Two US Presidents lived in or near that community: Andy Jackson and James Knox Polk!

  2. Trump is blowing up political correctness and squishiness. This opens the way for an articulate, intelligent and solid conservative to walk all the way through to the White House. And that is looking more and more like Ted Cruz.

  3. Ted Cruz is not a Natural Born Citizen and in addition, his wife
    Heidi was on the Council on Foreign Relations (a Rockefeller
    Think Tank) as the main author of the North American Union.
    This is a theoretical union of The United States, Canada and
    Mexico based on the European Union.
    This union is an attempt to undermine our sovereignty
    and give unimaginable power to it’s creators. Ted Cruz
    envisions himself as the head of this union.
    For those of you worried about Donald Trump you may want
    to consider what another foreign citizen could do to this
    country as president.
    I’m really troubled by the number of people who have no
    knowledge of Natural Born Citizenship and why it is crucial to
    the Presidency.
    I recommend videos on the topic by Dr. Herb Titus a well
    respected authority on the subject.
    Research is critical in this election. Ted Cruz is the decoy.

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