Students revolt after school bans American flags – IOTW Report

Students revolt after school bans American flags

EAG- CARROLLTON, Ga. – Mount Zion High School students are proud to be Americans, whether or not school officials support their patriotism.
american flag
They made that clear this week after a social media post ignited a controversy over the American flag on school property, and many students responded by flying Old Glory from their vehicles in parking lot, WSB-TVreports.

“They gathered at the school a day after a Facebook post in which (a) student wrote, ‘I find it disturbing that when my mom picks me up from school in my truck flying an American flag, a staff member comes outside and tells me that we are not allowed to fly it in the schools (sic) parking lot,” according to the news site.

The student’s friends, students LaChristopher Hebert and Nate Maples, were among numerous students who rebelled against the edict this week by attaching the American flag to their vehicles and parading around the school’s parking lot.  more

10 Comments on Students revolt after school bans American flags

  1. “Safe learning environment.” or “Refrain from causing disruptions.”

    These are the carefully crafted words and phrases used by Fabian Socialists to subvert the people’s Constitutional rights. The best course of action, is the one they are already taking.

    Civil disobedience. They REALLY hate when we don’t kowtow to their decrees.

  2. I am sick of this B.S.Maybe a bunch of blue blooded southern rednecks need to go to Joe-Ja
    and riot and burn and loot and paint Rebel flags and American flags all over the buildings there.
    Then maybe Deray Dipshit,Al the maggot Sharptown,George international multi felon Sorass
    will rush to help us?….

  3. Why not, a person should only fly an American flag in America. Nobody knows where America is anymore. It’s history has been erased and is not taught anymore. It’s culture has been submerged and substituted with multi-culturalism and diversity. It’s Holidays are fast become a commemoration of foreign events and people. It’s once prominent religion has been judged to be both irrelavent and mostly illegal. The majority race that made it the greatest country ever is fast becoming (on purpose) a powerless minority taken over by a 3rd world Mexico North, African mid-Central and Muslim East! Plus, Marxism now reigns supreme
    and was purposely voted into the corridors of political power!

  4. …many students responded by flying Old Glory from their vehicles in [the] parking lot…

    NO! You plant a flag in the school’s front lawn and you get 100 students and you surround it and make the fucking union thugs stomp through you to take it down. On national TV! Make the libtards out to be just what they are — National SOCIALIST assholes!

    God DAMN them!

  5. Thank you, God, for kids like these brave souls. Bless them and help all the adults in this country be emboldened to stand up for the freedom they claim to love.

    When things like this happen in schools, the parents should be the first to stand up and tell them, “Hell, no!” AND THEN DON’T GIVE IN! Your kids need you.

  6. Then I fully expect the White guilt-ridden, Gay-obsessed, Prius-driving, coexist bumper-sticker, bottled-water-drinking, granola-eating, celebrity-obsessed, rainbow-plantation, kumbaya-singing, holier-than-thou, elitist Marxist schrool authorities demand silence and mandate there be no flags, bands or celebrations at football and basketball games for similar reasons just to show that they’re not really hypocrites… just Communists!!

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