Hillary’s interns get paid in… – IOTW Report

Hillary’s interns get paid in…


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15 Comments on Hillary’s interns get paid in…

  1. Interesting to see a Clinton speak about others who should be “held accountable”. They’ve set such a fine example. They should be the ultimate arbiters of good vs bad and right vs wrong.

  2. If schools load students up with debt for programs that don’t lead to good-paying jobs, they should be accountable, too

    It’s because of this same attitude the students don’t get good paying jobs. They think they deserve it or someone needs to pay. This creates $0/hr “workers,” and the economy, to which would otherwise allow more opportunities, is the symptom of unrealistic demands. Educators make no guarantees you will listen to them. Hillary, do us all a favor and show us how to be accountable, show us how the school will be held accountable for someone not showing up to an interview. Show us, really, I want to know in detail.

  3. The reason the jobs aren’t “good-paying” for college degree holders is because no intelligent boss cares about a degree in women’s studies or black studies or art history. They care about things like engineering. Which, by the way, covers damn near the top twenty paid jobs in this country.

    Closing question: since Hillary is from the democrat party, does that mean the women that intern for her only get 77% of the coffee the men get?

  4. “… If schools load students up with debt …”

    Schools don’t load students up with debt – students load students up with debt. The schools don’t force the little darlings to attend their indoctrination centers – the little darlings demand it.

  5. But… schools take advantage of the student loan system to charge astronomical amounts. Just the books for one semester through the bookstore for 4 – 6 classes can cost as much as $700 or more.

    And… as someone who did not have a college degree until later in life, I can tell you that having or not having a degree I in anything) definitely makes a huge difference in the salary and promotions you get. Not saying hard work and intelligence don’t go a long way, but the corporate culture can be very shallow. A lot like the dem party – you have to learn to “play the game.”

  6. for many years inflation has not been a real issue. In fact many prices have fallen. Except in medicine and education. I see no accountability on any institution of higher learning to justify tuition jumping far more than any other measure of cost of living.

    Colleges and parents and employers also should encourage kids to seek degrees that you learn something that will apply to jobs.
    Underwater basket weaving and womyn’s ebony studies simply have to value in any culture and should be dropped from college courses and replaced with knowledge that the world needs.

  7. The more Uncle Sugar subsidizes institutions of ‘higher learning’ the higher the tuition will go as it has done for the past 40 years.

    Hillary wants everyone to pay a living wage except she’s exempt. Interns paid in coffee? That’s probably all these progturds are worth.

  8. Speaking of coffee…. this is a great way to start the day.
    Bullet-Proof Coffee
    cup and a half of fresh coffee
    2 TBL unsalted butter
    1 TBL MCT oil or coconut oil
    Add sweetener and/or cream if wanted
    Blend with an immersion blender til frothy
    I just put mine in a Tervis cup, seal and shake.

    Sounds weird but it’s great

  9. “Never give a sucker an even break.”
    Not that you are a “sucker” – it’s just an expression.

    If college is worth the cost, it’s worth it.
    If not, then not.

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