Human Capital – Episode 3: Planned Parenthood’s Custom Abortions for Superior Product – IOTW Report

Human Capital – Episode 3: Planned Parenthood’s Custom Abortions for Superior Product

Holly O’Donnell and her Planned Parenthood colleague were harvesting organs that day at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, a mega-clinic in San Jose, California that has an annual budget of $100 million or 10 percent of the national organization.

O’Donnell, who turned whistleblower after leaving StemExpress, said the child was the most fully developed she had seen up to that point. She describes in great detail how the newly aborted boy was rinsed off and prepared for dissection.

Her colleague called her over and, according to O’Donnell, said, “Hey Holly, come over here, I want you to see something kind of cool, kind of neat.” O’Donnell said she was flabbergasted to see “…the most gestated fetus and closest thing to a baby I’ve seen.”

Her colleague then took an instrument and “tapped the heart and it starts beating.”  More

17 Comments on Human Capital – Episode 3: Planned Parenthood’s Custom Abortions for Superior Product

  1. I just can’t watch the video but I read that they take the brains of a live child by slicing through the face.

    God, rain down your holy fire on every one of those PP buildings.

  2. The words custom and abortion should not be used in the same sentence. It sounds like someone ordering parts for a car or any other item that needs to be customized. This is sick and disgusting beyond belief. I plan on being in front of the local Planned Parenthood on Saturday with a lot of my prolife friends to stand against them. As an aside a few years a stolen Acura driven at well over 100 MPH crashed and burned against a maple tree right in front of the local PP clinic early in the morning around 4-5 AM instantly killing the female thief. I know because that car passed me on my way on my way to like I was standing still with a hell of lot of cops chasing her. By the time I drove by there within a minute or so of the crash it was totally engulfed in flames and she burned to death. And the tree, a huge maple is still there scorch marks and all as a grim reminder of what happened there. I’d say it was an appropriate place for something like that to happen just because of what they do at PP but I don’t want to be a ghoul.

  3. @Anonymous 1, I believe you are correct.

    The evil that these monsters have created is beyond anything that could have even been imagined back in the day of the Old Testament.

  4. Matthew 19:14 (KJV)

    But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

    Luke 23:43 (KJV)

    And He said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”

  5. I was on my way to work that morning and this white Acura passed by me to my left like a bat out of hell at over !00 MPH with probably every local cop on the North side of Spokane chasing it. I’m damned glad she didn’t run into me and just went by me like I was standing still. This is something I don’t want to see again ever. That scared the hell out of me

  6. I’m not so sure Norman. I suspect they will be making sacrifices to Baal by the ninth video.

    I pray there is an afterlife and the mother gets to answer his questions: “Mommy, why did you let them take me from you? Why did you let them cut off my face and steal my brain?”

  7. I think just about every church in the country, large and small, has a special ministry and offering for member couples who would like to adopt but are often hampered by the enormous fees involved. Adoption fees run into the tens of thousands sometimes. And couples frequently choose a foreign adoption because of the many heartaches they face domestically with “birth mothers” changing their minds late in the process or even after the child has been placed with the parents. Since so many of these children are near or at term when they are murdered, you would think that a woman would choose to deliver in the ER and hand the baby over to the hospital staff. Most hospitals are “safe places” for leaving a baby. Two heart-breaking problems, one wonderful solution — a safe, loved, and alive baby.

  8. I heard about this on Focus On The Family. I don’t want to see the video this time. Don’t think I can handle it right now.

    This is the most evil thing I have ever heard of. These people are now on the same level as Satan.

    I will be looking for a pp protest and will bring a large “shut-down PP” sign if I do go.

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