Confirmed: Ashley Madison Was A Scam – IOTW Report

Confirmed: Ashley Madison Was A Scam


From BlurBrain-

I downloaded the data and analyzed it to find out how many actual women were using Ashley Madison, and who they were.

What I discovered was that the world of Ashley Madison was a far more dystopian place than anyone had realized. This isn’t a debauched wonderland of men cheating on their wives. It isn’t even a sadscape of 31 million men competing to attract those 5.5 million women in the database. Instead, it’s like a science fictional future where every woman on Earth is dead.


9 Comments on Confirmed: Ashley Madison Was A Scam

  1. There sure are a lot of unhappy men out there. I assume they are liberals.
    My wife and I are best friends. She cracks me up all the time. She makes fun of the worst lady. It’s hilarious. She likes doing what I like doing. Hunting. Fishing. Motorcycles. Triathlons. Going to the range to shoot holes in paper.
    I like big bore handguns and she does too. Nothing bigger than .44 mag for her tho. She tried my .500 mag and said it shook here teeth loose. We take hunting and fishing trips to Alaska and Canada.
    I like her she likes me. I guess we’re lucky.

  2. Got you beat Dave, my wife never complains, don’t think she knows how to whine.
    Last present I bought her, a lawn mower, she was thrilled.
    Hates using the rider and she wanted to keep her dog agility course in better shape than I was willing to. 6 acres takes a long time to mow in the hot sun, let it grow.
    Bought her a car too, she really liked that, no reason other than she needed a new one and I love her.
    Shops at the GW Boutique for clothes or makes her own, makes shorts and shirts for me too. She is a bit of a shoe collector though.
    We don’t do the retail sponsored holidays, they come and go without celebration. If I see some nice flowers, I get them for her, no reason is better than being expected to.
    Politicly, she’s to the right of me, financially frugal and a knock out, blue eyed redhead.
    I am truly blessed, why shop for a Ford when you already drive a Rolls?

  3. Got you guys both beat…

    Not only is my old lady my best friend, in spite of my farting on her in my sleep (sometimes I do it on purpose) when she spoons me, she has so far to this day, not slept on the couch once….I honestly don’t know how she does it….

  4. What kind of man would violate the trust of the one person on Earth who truly gives a fuck about him? And vice-versa.

    It wobbles the mind.

    (gee, ain’t I all lofty and pure at 60?)

  5. Our house is a no gas build up zone, it’s the dogs that make us gag. She got some new food for the dogs, I gave it away. Keep telling her, organic doesn’t always mean better.
    “Better out than in.”- Shrek

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